NASA-IMPACT / veda-ui

Frontend for the Dashboard Evolution project
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[Bug] Taxonomies in the stories hub are not removed after clearing #1279

Open dzole0311 opened 3 days ago

dzole0311 commented 3 days ago


When clearing the taxonomies in the Stories page, the URL is correctly updated but the filters are persisted.

We probably need to explicitly call FilterActions.CLEAR_TAXONOMY when clicking on the Clear Filters button, if we want to keep the router agnostic and move away from the navigate hook from react-router-dom.


Blocking a release? (y/n): n

Regression issue? (y/n): y [If yes, add Regression label]


Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Go to Stories:
  2. Select a topic from the filters (e.g Agriculture)
  3. Clear the filters by pressing on the Clear Filters button
  4. Notice that the URL updates correctly, but the filters are persisted in the UI