A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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Validation of Vaccination, complexity not planned for #1015

Open missyschoenbaum opened 3 years ago

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

This is a problem because I asked for validation of entry on Control Protocols, vaccination when there is a vaccination ring present.

What I didn't consider is that users can make a control protocol for a species that doesn't get vaccinated. Since the ring is production type agnostic, it doesn't make sense to be validating. For example, I may vaccinate dairy cattle, but not vaccinate sheep, but sheep still are expecting valid parameters.

It is a "which comes first, the chicken or the egg" thing.

2 options 1) Leave as is, it is very easy to make dummy parameters to get around validation. I would need to document. 2) Completely turn off validation on Control Protocols, vaccination

Any thoughts?

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

I think either approach is acceptable for now. Disabling that validation should be easy, so whichever approach you prefer.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

I'm for whatever is easiest.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

@ConradSelig can you disable this validation?

ConradSelig commented 3 years ago

OK @missyschoenbaum need your input here.

I can do a "soft" validation removal here, it looks like this: image My preview for this image looks really bad but if I open it in its own tab it looks fine. However the scenario will still validate and run. The only time the Control Protocol tab on the left turns yellow is if the tab is open - switch to another page and it will show green.

I can also get it to remove the red warnings and show green on the "Control Protocol" tab if you would like that better. Up to you.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@ConradSelig let's do remove the red warnings and show green on the "Control Protocol" tab.

ConradSelig commented 3 years ago

OK @BryanHurst this one is ready for you when you get to it Monday. My Zenhub is down at the moment so I'm not sure what pipeline this ticket is in right now sorry.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

This works as stated and expected. I may write a known bug on it to explain why you get yellow while on tab.