Closed stillwer closed 4 years ago
I found a program online (bfg) that seemed to be the most common way of removing bloat. I downloaded that program and put it in the directory containing the repo. I then ran the following commands:
Remove installers: java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-folders BaseSoftwareForGIT WVD-MCSupdate cd WVD-MCSupdate git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive cd .. (Reduced repo size from 3.0GB to 580MB)
java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-files *.exe WVD-MCSupdate cd WVD-MCSupdate git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive cd .. (Reduced repo size from 580MB to 501MB)
java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --strip-blobs-bigger-than 15M WVD-MCSupdate cd WVD-MCSupdate git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive cd .. (Reduced repo size from 501MB to 484MB)
git push origin --force --all git push origin --force --tags
The new repo needs to now be re-cloned and deleted from the following computers: 1) MPD00 (bz-ece-bhlidar) 2) MPD01 (eol-dial2) 3) MPD02 (eol-dial4) 4) MPD03 (eol-dial5) 5) MPD04 (eol-dial1) 6) MPD05 (eol-dial7) 7) MPDSpares (eol-dial6, eol-dial8) 8) roberts-pc 9) eol-uter 10) eol-cuttlefish 11) eol-trapper
The following computers are done: eol-dial1, eol-dial4, eol-dial5, eol-dial6, eol-uter, robert-pc
Just, eol-dial2, eol-dial7, eol-uter, and are also done.
eol-cuttlefish and eol-trapper have been wiped so I think that is everything.
The repository originally had some very large drivers pushed into it. The history will have been removed and the whole repo should be smaller now. That said, I am going to use this issue to note what and how that repo cleaning process happened.