Case Name
2deg, ne16, WACCM, 135L, tag160, derecho, cam_dev
Case Dir
Run Dir
Archive Dir
Clone of issue #54 (keeping beres=0.65) with the addition of pbl_utils.F90 source mod and some extra fincl outputs in user_nl_cam. The source mod makes HB diffusion only operate when Ri < 0.
ssh derecho
cd /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cam6_3_160/cime/scripts
./create_clone --clone /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag160_beres0.65_ZM2 --case /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag160_beres0.65_ZM2andHB --cime-output-root /glade/derecho/scratch/sglanvil/
cd /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag160_beres0.65_ZM2andHB
***** Compare SourceMods, env_run.xml, env_mach_pes.xml, and env_build.xml to original case. *****
Add additional SourceMod:
Copy user_nl_cam:
<<Keep beres at 0.65, and other regular stuff>>
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=29
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=12:00:00 --subgroup
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=04:00:00 --subgroup case.st_archive
Case Name f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag160_beres0.65_ZM2andHB Keywords 2deg, ne16, WACCM, 135L, tag160, derecho, cam_dev
Case Dir
/glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/$CASE Run Dir /glade/derecho/scratch/sglanvil/$CASE/run Archive Dir /glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/sglanvil/waccm_tuning/archive/$CASE
Clone of issue #54 (keeping beres=0.65) with the addition of pbl_utils.F90 source mod and some extra fincl outputs in user_nl_cam. The source mod makes HB diffusion only operate when Ri < 0.