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Data tracking for Gulf of Alaska
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ADFG Salmon Escape and Return Data Retrieval #36

Open sandysum opened 8 years ago

sandysum commented 8 years ago

One of our working groups is seeking data on complete salmon escapement and recruitment to determine the productivity of each year. This is tricky with salmon because for one spawning year, the juvenile fish leave the rivers and then come back as adults over the course of many years.

Update 11 March: Have pulled in and merged two tables from the following ADFG manuscripts:

Within this report, appendices A3 (p22), B3(p28-30. Early run sockeye), and B4 (p31-33. Late-run sockeye salmon) would be very helpful to have.

Will pull in these tables and merge with main dataset next Monday.

sandysum commented 8 years ago


Two tables pulled from FMS 15-02, 15-03 and 13-11.

  1. Combined salmon escapement and return data from the three manuscripts
  2. Combined late and early run brood data from FMS 15-02

Have left the data mostly untouched with the breakdown of ages as they were presented in the PDF.


Objective is to retrieve a measure of productivity of salmon spawners for a given year. Measurement metric is R/S, total return per spawner.

Total return is estimated as the total harvest (get caught by commercial or recreational fisheries) and total escapement (does not get caught).

Look out for total return, R/S values in reports.

Next steps

More reports coming in and I am looking through them for the above mentioned: R/S and total return data

After all the tables have been finalised I will get started on metadata creation.

sandysum commented 8 years ago

We have to look into 15-04 from P54 to 72 to identify tables that match "SRA" --> tables that match SRA are referenced in corresponding papers. Have filtered out only reports referencing SRA and saved them in attached text file(under column "ref"). Next step is to go to these reports cited in P8 of 15-04 and pull those tables out. 15-04_TablesToRetrieve.txt

couture322 commented 8 years ago

Pulled out additional tables from FMR 13-11 (sockeye data for various locations) and started to look into the 'more reports' list above. Looks like 13-44 doesn't have anything we want but 14-16 could have a lot of data. I'll pick up with these and Rich's list from 15-04 next time.

sandysum commented 8 years ago

Uploaded the retrieval list on a shared google sheet for ease of use and collaboration. Also added a comment column and reference links in the second tab so we can just click the link and go to referenced report from there!

sandysum commented 8 years ago

Based on most common ways data is presented in manuscripts, have defined 3 main formats for merging data, they differ by header titles and how detailed the breakdown is:

Extracted FMS10-09 (Nemeth et al 2010) and FMS06-03 (Nelson et al 2006) on 22/03/2016, loads of good data belonging to T3 type format above. Need to check with Rich if we want data from Yukon Region (upper and lower).