NCEAS / nceas-training

Training materials and modules from R-based data science short courses at NCEAS
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identify OSS lessons to convert to current format #95

Open jeanetteclark opened 3 years ago

jeanetteclark commented 3 years ago

from the OSS folder, need to identify the content we want to convert into our current bookdown structure for the Delta training

jeanetteclark commented 3 years ago
lesson update
00-instructor-guidelines no
course-overview no
creating-r-functions no
creating-r-packages no
data-liberation maybe
data-munging-qa-qc-cleaning no
data-repositories no
data-wrangling no
dataviz-and-interactive-tools no
ecological-metadata no
meeting-facilitation maybe
message-box maybe
meta-analysis eventually
metagenomics no
publication-ready-maps-in-r no
publishing-data no
publishing-maps-to-the-web-in-r no
qgis eventually
r-review-and-assessment no
regular-expressions eventually
reproducible-papers-with-rmd no
rmarkdown-rstudio no
servers-networks-command-line eventually
spatial-data-gis-law no
sql-database-access-in-r yes
sql-database yes
testing-in-r yes
thinking-preferences no
version-control no
why-python maybe
mbjones commented 3 years ago

I edited your table @jeanetteclark to indicate the modules that I think we definitely should convert (yes) and that we will eventually want to use (eventually). Some of these have had more recent modules delivered, like testing and debugging in R, so the result would likely be an amalgam of those with the OSS module.

jeanetteclark commented 3 years ago

okay sounds good thanks!