Create an /about-cancer/understanding page to match the Figma comps on the Priority MLP pages. This should link to What is Cancer?, Cancer Statistics and Cancer Disparities.
On the "Chronicles and Adventures..." page, please create a 3 Feature Card Row with the heading, "Test Links", with an NCIDS Feature Card Internal, an NCIDS Feature Card External, and an NCIDS Feature Card Multimedia with the following respective links, "About Cancer", "Google", and "Implementation Science Infographic"
Scenario: A content editor adds an NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row to a Mini Landing Page with the NCIDS style
Given a content editor is on the CMS
And the content editor is creating or editing a Mini Landing Page
And the Mini Landing Page has the NCIDS style
When the content editor goes to the Contents section of the CMS page for the Mini Landing Page
Then the content editor can choose from the dropdown to add an NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row to the Mini Landing Page
When the NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row is added to the Mini Landing Page
Then the content editor will see the Heading field
And the Heading field is required
And it is a text entry field
And the tooltip says, "Displays above the row of cards. Used to concisely describe the featured content."
And below the Heading field is the Feature Cards field
And the Feature Cards field is optional
And it allows the selection of the following types: NCIDS Feature Card Internal, NCIDS Feature Card External, NCIDS Feature Card Multimedia, and Raw HTML Content
And an NCIDS Feature Card Internal will automatically be added to the NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row
And the NCIDS Feature Card Internal will show the fields of that component (see Content Model)
And at the bottom of the NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row paragraph there is a dropdown that allows the content editor to add other feature cards to the row
When the content editor has three total cards in the NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row
Then the dropdown button to add another feature card to the row will disappear
When an NCIDS Feature Card Row has been added to a Mini Landing Page
Then it will look exactly like the comps (see link above)
And it will behave the same as the NCIDS 3 Feature Card Row and its feature cards as the component on the Home & Landing Pages
Scenario: Analytics event for feature card clicks
Given a user is on a Mini Landing Page
And the Mini Landing Page uses the NCIDS style
And the Mini Landing Page has a feature card
When the user clicks on a feature card
Then there will be an NCIDataLayer Other event
And the event has the name "MLP:FeatureCard:LinkClick"
And the event has the linkname "MLP:FeatureCard:LinkClick"
And the event has the following data:
| key | value |
| location | Body |
| pageType | This will return the value of the page type and should match the dcterms.type meta data tag on the page. |
| pageTemplate | This will return the value of the page template and should match the cgdp.template meta data tag on the page.
| pageRows | This will return the total number of rows on the page overall |
| pageRowIndex | This will return the index of the row number on the page of the click |
| pageRowCols | This will return the total number of columns in the row of the click |
| pageRowColIndex | This will return the index of the column in the row of the click |
| containerItems | This will return the number of feature cards in the feature card row or the container holding the feature card |
| containerItemIndex | This will return the index of the feature card clicked in the feature card row or the container holding the feature card |
| componentType | Feature Card |
| componentTheme | This will default to 'Light' |
| componentVariant | This will return 'Default' |
| linkText | This returns the displayed feature card title |
| title | This returns the displayed feature card title |
| linkType | This will return the value 'Card' |
| linkArea | This will return 'Not Defined' |
| totalLinks | Default will return 1 |
| linkPosition | Default will return 1 |
As a content editor, I want to be able to add a feature card row to my page, so that I can feature content.
Technical Resources
page to match the Figma comps on the Priority MLP pages. This should link toWhat is Cancer?
,Cancer Statistics
andCancer Disparities
.DoR Tasks
DoD Tasks
Acceptance Criteria
Technical Notes