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Datasets - Enable renaming #580

Closed NRayya closed 1 year ago

NRayya commented 1 year ago

It is possible to rename projects and studies, could be great to be able to rename datasets.

tilfischer commented 1 year ago

This is something important and might need an additional discussion. One main guideline in publishing research data is to publish 1) the original (raw) data but also 2) provide this data in an interoperable open (and free...) format, possibly with further processing/analysis data.

The original (raw) data should be published as a measure of scientific integrity, although this data might not be in an open format (as with NMR vendor formats). This data needs to be untouched to be original data.

For NMR data the situation is a bit more complicated. In routine NMR with NMR core facilities, operators of NMR instruments measure the FID (actual original data) and do initial processing such as apodization, zero-filling, fourier transform, phase correction and baseline correction. The sample-submitting person gets this processed data (which is the original data from the viewpoint of most users -> it is also the actual original data, as the FID is not altered) and starts with analysis, which is than saved in another format and also publishes this data (ideally interoperable, currently mostly proprietary).

Solely the FID is possibly not very helpful for people using nmrXiv.

For this reason, I support the current situation with datasets, which cannot be renamed.

CS76 commented 1 year ago

Closing this now in the favour of the comment from @tilfischer (above)