NIME-conference / nime-website

NIME Conference Website in Jekyll
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NIME website

Build Jekyll site and deploy via rsync

This is the repository for the NIME conference permanent website and proceedings archive. It's deliberately a small site that links to the PDF proceedings and media files from previous NIMEs, and archival copies of the website from previous editions of NIME.

To hack on this you'll need to clone it, and install jekyll following these instructions.

From memory:

  1. go into the nime-website repo.
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec jekyll serve


The NIME archives bibtex files are stored in a different repository and automatically converted to YAML format. To copy them over here, run the script.


Contact the NIME Web Officer for further details.

How to do certain tasks

Change the text on a regular page (e.g., the location of the next NIME)

  1. update the relevant page's markdown file (e.g.,, within Github and commit the updates.
  2. the website will automatically deploy and update on the webserver.

Add a new year of NIME proceedings

  1. add a new yearly bibtex file over on the NIME-bibliography repository (e.g., nime20XX.bib)
  2. make sure the github actions complete correctly on the NIME-bibliography repository, you can check the output YAML on the NIME-bibliography repo website.
  3. run in this repository.
  4. check that the website still builds and displays correctly on your local computer.
  5. commit the updated YAML bibliography files and push the website.
  6. the website will automatically deploy and update on the webserver.