NIST-ISODB / isotherm-digitizer-panel

Contribution form for NIST adsorption isotherm database implemented using pyviz panel
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Improve visualisation/handling of isotherms added to submission #87

Open danieleongari opened 3 years ago

danieleongari commented 3 years ago

When digitalising a paper, you usually end up preparing all the data in WPD for all the figure and then fill the form and submit. For a new isotherm you update only the fields that are needed to be updated (e.g., Figure/Adsorbent/Adsorbate/Temperature) and obviously the Isotherms Data. It is likely, therefore, that you forget to update something and at that point you are screwed: the submission panel does not help you to check this because all the submission look the same image

If you load/modify/submit and delete the old isotherm, usually something buggy happens with this operation. The only solution is to modify the json after downloading.

What I propose, is to make the submission list more verbose, and giving the possibility to modify something from here. For example, you want to chose some key field to display as panel.Textinput and allow any modification here to be effective for the json. The row can contain, e.g.,:

It will be long but I don't think it is a problem if the user has to scroll the browser horizontally: the main info are at the beginning.