Closed sgaichas closed 5 years ago
We should put in an NA so it looks like other plots (i.e., EcoMon).
I've updated ecodata to include NAs for years with missing data in the aggregated and species-level survey data. The plotting code in the SOE documents have also been updated to account for the change
Did we miss MAB 2017 spring as well? I thought just one season had a complete miss but our figures show both missing.
We did not miss spring 2017. The data should be there.
It appears that there was a bug in the code aggregating survdat, where the number of fall tows was used to find the mean weight per tow for the spring survey. I have fixed this error and am working on updating ecodata.
The change turns the spring benthivore trend from negative to positive, more closely resembling the NEAMAP data. There are no changes to be made in the MAFMC SOE text, but haven't looked at NE yet.
This also fixes the missing spring 2017 data in the MAB survey
@sgaichas @slucey survey data sets are updated.
We no longer have a significant positive trend GB planktivore survey biomass, and this is a change affecting the text in the NE SOE.
Was that an error in my code? Oops...thanks for catching it.
no worries, it was a quick fix and didn't change much. Will close this now
Survey data for the NEFSC fall MAB is missing in 2017 due to vessel issues. It appears there is no 2017 point for fall (which is appropriate) but then plots draw a line from 2016 to 2018. Should we add 2017 with NA value, or to deal with in plots separately? How is this done for other datasets? affects: