Library for accessing data useful for the NOAA / GNOME model
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Python package for retrieving environmental data needed for running GNOME model (shorelines, currents, winds)


LibGOODS is under active development -- its API will change.

Contributions are welcome, but we encourage you to work with the develop branch, and make sure to always pull the latest version before making any bug reports, comments or pull requests.


This project relies on conda for installation and managing of the project dependencies.

  1. Download and install miniconda for your operating system <>_.

  2. Clone this repository with git.

  3. Once conda is available build the environment for this project with. Note: Below we use an environment name of libgoods but you can choose any environment name.

    .. code-block::

    conda env create --name libgoods -c conda-forge python=3.9 conda activate libgoods

    The above command creates a new conda environment titled libgoods and installs Python 3.9 from conda-forge.

  4. Install project dependencies

    .. code-block::

    conda install -c conda-forge --file conda_requirements.txt

  5. Install test dependencies

    .. code-block::

    conda install -c conda-forge --file conda_requirements_test.txt

  6. Install the local package for development:

    .. code-block::

    pip install -e .

  7. Install model_catalogs.

    Clone the repository at <>_ and follow the instructions for installing the project. A summary of the steps:

    .. code-block::

    cd ../.. git clone cd model_catalogs conda install -c conda-forge --file conda-requirements.txt pip install -r pip-requirements.txt pip install -e .

To run precommit checks

Install necessary packages, listed in conda-requirements-dev.txt, with

.. code-block::

conda install -c conda-forge --file conda-requirements-dev.txt

Then to keep your code linted, and especially before pushing any code, run:

.. code-block::

pre-commit run --all-files

Command-Line Examples

Usage ^^^^^

.. code-block::

usage: fetch-model [-h] [-t {hindcast,nowcast,forecast}] [-s START] [-e END] [-f] [--bbox [BBOX]] [--surface] [-n STANDARD_NAMES] [-o OUTPUT] [-l] [--show-bounds] [model_name]

Fetch model output.

positional arguments: model_name Name of the model

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t {hindcast,nowcast,forecast}, --timing {hindcast,nowcast,forecast} Model Timing Choice. -s START, --start START Request start time -e END, --end END Request end time -f, --force Overwrite existing files --bbox [BBOX] Specify the bounding box --surface Fetch only surface data. -n STANDARD_NAMES, --standard-names STANDARD_NAMES Comma-delimited list of standard names to filter. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT -l, --list-models Print the available models and exit. --show-bounds Show the bounds of the model and exit.


The following example downloads HYCOM, subsets the data to a bounded region by 0° Longitude, 0° Latitude, and 10° Longitude, 10° Latitude for the dates below.

.. code-block::

fetch-model HYCOM --surface --bbox 0,0,10,10 -t forecast -s 2022-08-15 -e 2022-08-16

By default the fetch-model command line interface will download to a new folder called output wherever the command is invoked. Clients can specify an output directory or the output filename explicitly with the -o argument.

The following example lists all the models available to the interface.

.. code-block::

fetch-model -l

The following example displays the model's bounding box:

.. code-block::

fetch-model LEOFS --show-bounds