NOAA-PMEL / PyFerret

The PyFerret program and Python module from NOAA/PMEL
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updating tutorial/ demo scripts so they don't depend on urls #97

Closed ACManke closed 2 years ago

ACManke commented 2 years ago

Recent comments and questions e.g. issue 1990 shows that some of the demo journal files depend unnecessarily on datasets that reside on opendap servers. For a demo, it's really best if the scripts are as self-contained as possible. I've updated jnls/examples/topo_palette_demo.jnl and jnls/examples/land_detail_demo.jnl so they use datasets that should be installed with any installation of PyFerret or Ferret.

There are a few more demo journal files that use URL's. A couple of them are demonstrating use of OPeNDAP data, so that's fine. I commented out some non-working URls in jns/examples/dods_demo.jnl. And I updated a reference to Patrick Brockmann, a colleague in France, just because I noticed and old address.

This isn't quite all of them - call_stack.jnl and call_stack_stick.jnl still have non-working url's - something to dig into another time.