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[EN][Class] Blood Death Knight #220

Open Illusie opened 5 years ago

Illusie commented 5 years ago

Reporter(Player/Character) Name: ---

Description: This is a general report about Blood DK.

Can't really confirm anything. I'll let you check. This report is about "my feelings" as someone who played and play BDK for pretty long time. And I'm pretty know what the "numbers" you should see from BDK doing.

I have bdk from another server with DS gear not fully bis (392ilvl) And here BDKs with 352-355 Ilvls doing the same amount of Absorb/Self heals as I do with DS gear which make me thought about option that BDKs are bugged here and overscaled.

Current behaviour:

  1. Death Strikes seems to do more damage than it should. we used this formula (AP/14)*3-3)+3588-2392) to check how much DS should hit.

we used 3588-2392 which is Sulfuras heroic damage weapon and we used AP value of 11000(11k) and we got result that DS should hit around 19k normal damage (with sulfuras heroic I repeat!)

Death Strike in NRG seems bit stronger than It should.

Here is screenshot from Shannox hc I reached 22 stacks of Jagged Spear which causing me to get (I believe) the maximum potential of Vengeance I believe my AP was around 22k-23k and I used 397 Axe 2hand. My bdk is running reforges when I ignore Hit & Expertise (What most of Bdks do) Highest DS - 86k

On baleroc which is almost the same, the boss haven't damage taken increased my highest DS hitted for 82k.

I already saw a 351~ Ilvl bdks reaching and surpassing a 392 Ilvl bdk so I call you for deep investigation. good luck.

  1. Blood Shield I really can't confirm if the amount of Absorbtion is correct. In another server 3092 Mastery (25.25) grant me (unbuffed) 20686 Blood Shield. since I dont have blood dk with that amount of Mastery on NRG I can't check how much it does here. Didn't checked while getting damage. The Blood Shield amount should increase depends on the heal amount and we know the heal amount id depends on the damage taken (explained at "3")

3092 mastery giving 157% of the amount healed. since im hitting dummy and my default heal (7%) is 13k 13000*1.57 = 20.400 absorb which seems legit.

If DS crit it does not give more Absorb!

  1. Death Strike healing "Death Strike heals for 20% of damage taken. If the heal is less than 7% of your hp. it heals for 7% of your hp (not sure if it is before or after talents). With talents it is 1.450.2 = 29% of dmg taken in 5 seconds, and with glyphed Vampiric Blood it is an additional 40% scale on top, so 1.40.29 = 0.406 = 40.6% of the dmg taken in the past 5 seconds"

I checked Skada/Recount vs Majordomo heroic when the damage taken is pretty massive My highest heal from DS was 72k

to reach 72k self-healing from Death strike you approximately need to take 230k damage taken within 5 seconds. I already saw in NRG Bdks reaching 75k self-healing from DS

I can't confirm a bug here, But I'm pretty sure there is no BDK or Boss that able to hit that amount of damage in 5 second or BDk to survive it to able to heal himself for 75k with currect gear & health. Which make me wonder how BDKs here healing so much.

Also as far I know DS self-healing has not multiplier and not scaling with Mastery It's only scaling with your HP and how much damage you take.

If DS crit it does not give more heal!

  1. Blood Worms Im too lazy to explain I'll just share a link

to the finalle: here is my Skada + Recount from Shannox heroic (with 22x jagged spear stacks)

here is from Majordomo heroic:

I used Shannox + Domo as reference because those Bosses as BDK I don't need to move much there no adds to taunt or aoe to make. which make it almost good enough to check things in Raid conditions.

I already provided a screenshots to GMs of 352~ bdks doing the same and/or MORE amount of Heal+Abs than 392 Ilvl Bdk with 4200 Mastery (And Soulshift Vortex that sometimes give 2900 additional Mastery) HP 200780

If any GM/Dev or someone want to help you can contact me via Discord.

Expected behaviour: Blizzliking BDK 4.3.4

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. I wish I knew
Gubbyfishy commented 5 years ago

All classes generally seem to be messy. I can only list issues from Retri paladins and blood dk so far, but in terms of tank balance, it's way off with the sheer amount of shit going on with blood dks.

We'd need separate, concentrated reports for this. While it is nice to have a megathread on a busted class on its own, the issues need to be pinpointed by entries individually.

hguy23 commented 5 years ago

I can make a project where I can sort all of class bugs. It will be better to track every class with progress bar.