NSoiffer / MathCAT

MathCAT: Math Capable Assistive Technology for generating speech, braille, and navigation.
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Nabla symbol "∇" read as "Gradient of" in inappropriate contexts #288

Closed lnelson2382 closed 1 month ago

lnelson2382 commented 2 months ago

In calculus and physics, the Nabla symbol "∇" by itself represents the gradient of a function, but if it is followed by a "⋅" or "×" symbol it instead represents the divergence or curl of that function respectively. Currently, the sequence "∇⋅f" is read as "(the) gradient of dot eff"; ideally, it would instead be read as "(the) divergence of eff" or "div eff", but it would also be understandable as "del dot eff" or "nabla dot eff". Would it be possible to change the pronunciation of this symbol, either by default or using a togglable setting similar to MultSymbolDot?

NSoiffer commented 1 month ago

Apologies that this has taken so long to get to.

You can find a beta version of MathCAT here with div, grad, and curl supported.

Let me know if you find problems with this or anything else in this beta.