NVIDIA-AI-IOT / deepstream_tao_apps

Sample apps to demonstrate how to deploy models trained with TAO on DeepStream
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Deepstream5.0 README, mrcnn model files not accessible via wget #21

Open nitin-smc opened 4 years ago

nitin-smc commented 4 years ago

I followed the commands inside:

Deepstream 5.0/samples/configs/tlt_pretrained_model/README
mkdir -p ../../models/tlt_pretrained_models/mrcnn&& \
    wget https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_tlt_apps/blob/master/models/mrcnn/mask_rcnn_resnet50.etlt?raw=true \
    -O ../../models/tlt_pretrained_models/mrcnn/mask_rcnn_resnet50.etlt && \
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_tlt_apps/master/models/mrcnn/cal.bin \
    -O ../../models/tlt_pretrained_models/mrcnn/cal.bin

To download maskrcnn model files but it gives an 404 error, github link on this blogpost also redirects to https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_tlt_apps/tree/master/models/mrcnn when i visited the page i got to know these files are not commited to master branch yet.

Also these files are present in temp branch so i tried to modify the link to make it work but it only downloads 11kb of data. Something issue with github LFS files.

Please review the README instructions.