NVIDIA / Stable-Diffusion-WebUI-TensorRT

TensorRT Extension for Stable Diffusion Web UI
MIT License
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Is there a trick to using the ControlNet_v2 Branch? I either get a PyTorch Fallback or Expected all tensors to be on the same device error. #296

Open J-Cott opened 3 months ago

J-Cott commented 3 months ago

When Enabling ControlNet on one profile I exported it always fallback

Profile 1 (Use Static Shapes not ticked) Min Opt Max
Height 768 1024 2816
Width 768 1024 2816
Batch Size 1 1 1
Text-length 75 75 450

Warning Enabling PyTorch fallback as no engine was found.

on a different profile I built with static shapes option

Profile 0   Min Opt Max
Height 1024 1024 1024
Width 1024 1024 1024
Batch Size 1 1 1
Text-length 75 75 75

I exported it with Controlnet ticked I just get this error (even when just enabling the unet without a ControlNet active):

Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cpu and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument mat1 in method wrapper_CUDA_addmm)

I'm not sure if that it enough to go on, has anyone figured out the setting to get TensorRT to work with ControlNets yet?

daviddenker commented 3 months ago

When Enabling ControlNet on one profile I exported it always fallback

Profile 1 (Use Static Shapes not ticked)

Min Opt Max Height 768 1024 Width 768 1024 Batch Size 1 1 Text-length 75 75 Warning Enabling PyTorch fallback as no engine was found.

on a different profile I built with static shapes option

Profile 0

  Min Opt Max Height 1024 1024 1024 Width 1024 1024 1024 Batch Size 1 1 1 Text-length 75 75 75 I exported it with Controlnet ticked I just get this error (even when just enabling the unet without a ControlNet active):

Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cpu and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument mat1 in method wrapper_CUDA_addmm)

I'm not sure if that it enough to go on, has anyone figured out the setting to get TensorRT to work with ControlNets yet?

We're having the same issue!

Setup: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS PyTorch 2.2.0 Cuda 12.1

nanafy commented 3 months ago

Any updates here?