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inclusive_scan produces the wrong result for char types #698

Open jaredhoberock opened 9 years ago

jaredhoberock commented 9 years ago

Originally reported here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/thrust-users/X7-FEDtKfBo/4wVMgfGgBgAJ

Here's a self-contained example showing a bug with the latest Thrust (I've tried both the one included with Cuda 7.5 RC and the latest from the master branch of the repo which included a recent fix for inclusive_scan): https://gist.github.com/eglaser77/756e5a9234cf0f08a3fb.

I build it with the command:

/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -arch=sm_30 thrust_test.cu -o thrust_test -I/usr/local/cuda/include -g -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/ -lcuda -lcudart

Basically I am trying to get the locations of 'true' values in a stencil. The first method uses thrust::inclusive_scan followed by thrust::upper_bound. It works with host vectors but fails when run with device vectors on the GPU. The second method does a thrust::copy_if and works fine. I get the same results on a Quadro K2100M and a GeForce GTX 750 Ti.

Here's the output I get (hindices1 are from the inclusive_scan/upper_bound method; hindices2 are from copy_if):

i: 0 stencil_location: 467508 hindices1: 467508 hindices2: 467508 i: 1 stencil_location: 1326441 hindices1: 1326441 hindices2: 1326441 i: 2 stencil_location: 1541662 hindices1: 1541662 hindices2: 1541662 i: 3 stencil_location: 1679866 hindices1: 1679866 hindices2: 1679866 i: 4 stencil_location: 2234773 hindices1: 2234773 hindices2: 2234773 i: 5 stencil_location: 2387355 hindices1: 2387355 hindices2: 2387355 i: 6 stencil_location: 2653762 hindices1: 2653762 hindices2: 2653762 i: 7 stencil_location: 3159732 hindices1: 3159732 hindices2: 3159732 i: 8 stencil_location: 3226888 hindices1: 3226888 hindices2: 3226888 i: 9 stencil_location: 3828014 hindices1: 3828014 hindices2: 3828014 i: 10 stencil_location: 3887644 hindices1: 3887644 hindices2: 3887644 i: 11 stencil_location: 3909417 hindices1: 3909417 hindices2: 3909417 i: 12 stencil_location: 3924245 hindices1: 3924245 hindices2: 3924245 i: 13 stencil_location: 4042273 hindices1: 4233776 hindices2: 4042273 i: 14 stencil_location: 4150580 hindices1: 4446033 hindices2: 4150580 i: 15 stencil_location: 4233776 hindices1: 4484984 hindices2: 4233776 i: 16 stencil_location: 4425058 hindices1: 4836990 hindices2: 4425058 i: 17 stencil_location: 4446033 hindices1: 5328271 hindices2: 4446033 i: 18 stencil_location: 4484984 hindices1: 5483482 hindices2: 4484984 i: 19 stencil_location: 4565655 hindices1: 5755194 hindices2: 4565655 i: 20 stencil_location: 4629464 hindices1: 5781566 hindices2: 4629464 i: 21 stencil_location: 4703190 hindices1: 5987753 hindices2: 4703190 i: 22 stencil_location: 4836990 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 4836990 i: 23 stencil_location: 4903165 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 4903165 i: 24 stencil_location: 4910365 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 4910365 i: 25 stencil_location: 5328271 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5328271 i: 26 stencil_location: 5483482 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5483482 i: 27 stencil_location: 5755194 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5755194 i: 28 stencil_location: 5781566 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5781566 i: 29 stencil_location: 5966710 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5966710 i: 30 stencil_location: 5987753 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 5987753 i: 31 stencil_location: 7870669 hindices1: 8000000 hindices2: 7870669

The problem appears to be in the inclusive_scan call. When I examine the values I see that it is not strictly increasing as I would expect. Printing out where the scanned values change I get the following:

i: 467508 hscanned[i]: 1 i: 1326441 hscanned[i]: 2 i: 1541662 hscanned[i]: 3 i: 1679866 hscanned[i]: 4 i: 2234773 hscanned[i]: 5 i: 2387355 hscanned[i]: 6 i: 2653762 hscanned[i]: 7 i: 3159732 hscanned[i]: 8 i: 3226888 hscanned[i]: 9 i: 3828014 hscanned[i]: 10 i: 3887644 hscanned[i]: 11 i: 3909417 hscanned[i]: 12 i: 3924245 hscanned[i]: 13 i: 4008960 hscanned[i]: 11 i: 4042273 hscanned[i]: 12 i: 4150580 hscanned[i]: 13 i: 4233776 hscanned[i]: 14 i: 4276224 hscanned[i]: 13 i: 4425058 hscanned[i]: 14 i: 4446033 hscanned[i]: 15 i: 4484984 hscanned[i]: 16 i: 4543488 hscanned[i]: 14 i: 4565655 hscanned[i]: 15 i: 4629464 hscanned[i]: 16 i: 4677120 hscanned[i]: 15 i: 4703190 hscanned[i]: 16 i: 4836990 hscanned[i]: 17 i: 4903165 hscanned[i]: 18 i: 4910365 hscanned[i]: 19 i: 4944384 hscanned[i]: 17 i: 5328271 hscanned[i]: 18 i: 5483482 hscanned[i]: 19 i: 5755194 hscanned[i]: 20 i: 5781566 hscanned[i]: 21 i: 5879808 hscanned[i]: 20 i: 5966710 hscanned[i]: 21 i: 5987753 hscanned[i]: 22 i: 6013440 hscanned[i]: 21 i: 7870669 hscanned[i]: 22

jaredhoberock commented 9 years ago


#include <thrust/version.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/binary_search.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>

#define STENCIL_SIZE 8000000

struct is_true
    __host__ __device__
    bool operator()(const bool x)
      return x;

int main()
  //allocate stencil
  thrust::host_vector<bool> hv(STENCIL_SIZE,false);

  size_t stencil_locations[STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS] = {467508,

  for (size_t i=0;i<STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS;i++)
    hv[stencil_locations[i]] = true;

  //copy stencil to GPU
  thrust::device_vector<bool> dv = hv;

  //FIRST METHOD: inclusive_scan / upper_bound
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dscanned(STENCIL_SIZE);

  thrust::inclusive_scan(dv.begin(), dv.end(), dscanned.begin());

  thrust::counting_iterator<size_t> count_it(0);

  //dindices will have the locations of the 'true' values of the stencil
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dindices1(STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS);


  //copy back to host
  thrust::host_vector<size_t> hindices1 = dindices1;

  //SECOND METHOD: copy_if
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dindices2(STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS);
  thrust::copy_if(count_it, count_it+STENCIL_SIZE, dv.begin(), dindices2.begin(), is_true());

  //copy back to host
  thrust::host_vector<size_t> hindices2 = dindices2;

  for (size_t i=0;i<STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS;i++)
    printf("i: %2u stencil_location: %8u hindices1: %8u hindices2: %8u\n",i,stencil_locations[i],hindices1[i],hindices2[i]);


  return 0;
brycelelbach commented 7 years ago

A slightly modified version of the above that prints hindices1-hindices2, to make it easy to tell if there's a failure (last column != 0 is a failure):

#include <thrust/version.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/binary_search.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>

#define STENCIL_SIZE 8000000

struct is_true
    __host__ __device__
    bool operator()(const bool x)
      return x;

int main()
  //allocate stencil
  thrust::host_vector<bool> hv(STENCIL_SIZE,false);

  size_t stencil_locations[STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS] = {467508,

  for (size_t i=0;i<STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS;i++)
    hv[stencil_locations[i]] = true;

  //copy stencil to GPU
  thrust::device_vector<bool> dv = hv;

  //FIRST METHOD: inclusive_scan / upper_bound
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dscanned(STENCIL_SIZE);

  thrust::inclusive_scan(dv.begin(), dv.end(), dscanned.begin());

  thrust::counting_iterator<size_t> count_it(0);

  //dindices will have the locations of the 'true' values of the stencil
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dindices1(STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS);


  //copy back to host
  thrust::host_vector<size_t> hindices1 = dindices1;

  //SECOND METHOD: copy_if
  thrust::device_vector<size_t> dindices2(STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS);
  thrust::copy_if(count_it, count_it+STENCIL_SIZE, dv.begin(), dindices2.begin(), is_true());

  //copy back to host
  thrust::host_vector<size_t> hindices2 = dindices2;

  for (size_t i=0;i<STENCIL_TRUE_LOCATIONS;i++)
    printf("i: %2u stencil_location: %8u hindices1: %8u hindices2: %8u diff: %8u\n",i,stencil_locations[i],hindices1[i],hindices2[i],hindices1[i]-hindices2[i]);


  return 0;
brycelelbach commented 7 years ago

Amusingly, even more broken in CUDA 9.0:

[00:46:04]:wash@chimaera:/home/wash/development/nvidia/bugs/thrust_github_701__inclusive_scan_produces_wrong_result_for_char:0:$ ./thrust_github_701.cuda80  
i:  0 stencil_location:   467508 hindices1:   467508 hindices2:   467508 diff:        0
i:  1 stencil_location:  1326441 hindices1:  1326441 hindices2:  1326441 diff:        0
i:  2 stencil_location:  1541662 hindices1:  1541662 hindices2:  1541662 diff:        0
i:  3 stencil_location:  1679866 hindices1:  1679866 hindices2:  1679866 diff:        0
i:  4 stencil_location:  2234773 hindices1:  2234773 hindices2:  2234773 diff:        0
i:  5 stencil_location:  2387355 hindices1:  2387355 hindices2:  2387355 diff:        0
i:  6 stencil_location:  2653762 hindices1:  2653762 hindices2:  2653762 diff:        0
i:  7 stencil_location:  3159732 hindices1:  3159732 hindices2:  3159732 diff:        0
i:  8 stencil_location:  3226888 hindices1:  3226888 hindices2:  3226888 diff:        0
i:  9 stencil_location:  3828014 hindices1:  3828014 hindices2:  3828014 diff:        0
i: 10 stencil_location:  3887644 hindices1:  3887644 hindices2:  3887644 diff:        0
i: 11 stencil_location:  3909417 hindices1:  4042273 hindices2:  3909417 diff:   132856
i: 12 stencil_location:  3924245 hindices1:  4150580 hindices2:  3924245 diff:   226335
i: 13 stencil_location:  4042273 hindices1:  4233776 hindices2:  4042273 diff:   191503
i: 14 stencil_location:  4150580 hindices1:  4425058 hindices2:  4150580 diff:   274478
i: 15 stencil_location:  4233776 hindices1:  4446033 hindices2:  4233776 diff:   212257
i: 16 stencil_location:  4425058 hindices1:  4484984 hindices2:  4425058 diff:    59926
i: 17 stencil_location:  4446033 hindices1:  4703190 hindices2:  4446033 diff:   257157
i: 18 stencil_location:  4484984 hindices1:  4836990 hindices2:  4484984 diff:   352006
i: 19 stencil_location:  4565655 hindices1:  4903165 hindices2:  4565655 diff:   337510
i: 20 stencil_location:  4629464 hindices1:  5328271 hindices2:  4629464 diff:   698807
i: 21 stencil_location:  4703190 hindices1:  5483482 hindices2:  4703190 diff:   780292
i: 22 stencil_location:  4836990 hindices1:  5755194 hindices2:  4836990 diff:   918204
i: 23 stencil_location:  4903165 hindices1:  5781566 hindices2:  4903165 diff:   878401
i: 24 stencil_location:  4910365 hindices1:  5966710 hindices2:  4910365 diff:  1056345
i: 25 stencil_location:  5328271 hindices1:  5987753 hindices2:  5328271 diff:   659482
i: 26 stencil_location:  5483482 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5483482 diff:  2516518
i: 27 stencil_location:  5755194 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5755194 diff:  2244806
i: 28 stencil_location:  5781566 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5781566 diff:  2218434
i: 29 stencil_location:  5966710 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5966710 diff:  2033290
i: 30 stencil_location:  5987753 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5987753 diff:  2012247
i: 31 stencil_location:  7870669 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  7870669 diff:   129331
[00:46:38]:wash@chimaera:/home/wash/development/nvidia/bugs/thrust_github_701__inclusive_scan_produces_wrong_result_for_char:0:$ ./thrust_github_701.cuda90
i:  0 stencil_location:   467508 hindices1:   467508 hindices2:   467508 diff:        0
i:  1 stencil_location:  1326441 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  1326441 diff:  6673559
i:  2 stencil_location:  1541662 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  1541662 diff:  6458338
i:  3 stencil_location:  1679866 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  1679866 diff:  6320134
i:  4 stencil_location:  2234773 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  2234773 diff:  5765227
i:  5 stencil_location:  2387355 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  2387355 diff:  5612645
i:  6 stencil_location:  2653762 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  2653762 diff:  5346238
i:  7 stencil_location:  3159732 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3159732 diff:  4840268
i:  8 stencil_location:  3226888 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3226888 diff:  4773112
i:  9 stencil_location:  3828014 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3828014 diff:  4171986
i: 10 stencil_location:  3887644 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3887644 diff:  4112356
i: 11 stencil_location:  3909417 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3909417 diff:  4090583
i: 12 stencil_location:  3924245 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  3924245 diff:  4075755
i: 13 stencil_location:  4042273 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4042273 diff:  3957727
i: 14 stencil_location:  4150580 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4150580 diff:  3849420
i: 15 stencil_location:  4233776 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4233776 diff:  3766224
i: 16 stencil_location:  4425058 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4425058 diff:  3574942
i: 17 stencil_location:  4446033 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4446033 diff:  3553967
i: 18 stencil_location:  4484984 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4484984 diff:  3515016
i: 19 stencil_location:  4565655 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4565655 diff:  3434345
i: 20 stencil_location:  4629464 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4629464 diff:  3370536
i: 21 stencil_location:  4703190 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4703190 diff:  3296810
i: 22 stencil_location:  4836990 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4836990 diff:  3163010
i: 23 stencil_location:  4903165 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4903165 diff:  3096835
i: 24 stencil_location:  4910365 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  4910365 diff:  3089635
i: 25 stencil_location:  5328271 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5328271 diff:  2671729
i: 26 stencil_location:  5483482 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5483482 diff:  2516518
i: 27 stencil_location:  5755194 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5755194 diff:  2244806
i: 28 stencil_location:  5781566 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5781566 diff:  2218434
i: 29 stencil_location:  5966710 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5966710 diff:  2033290
i: 30 stencil_location:  5987753 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  5987753 diff:  2012247
i: 31 stencil_location:  7870669 hindices1:  8000000 hindices2:  7870669 diff:   129331
brycelelbach commented 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure the issue here is the use of the wrong intermediate type, and the lack of an inclusive_scan with init overload in Thrust (we have one in C++17 for just this reason). I guess all that work on the type requirements for the algorithms paid off in the long run :p (D0571r1 for reference). I was already revamping inclusive_scan to deal with intermediate types properly; I'm pretty sure that will fix this.

brycelelbach commented 7 years ago

Tracked internally by nvbug 2004711.