NVIDIA / nvidia-settings

NVIDIA driver control panel
GNU General Public License v2.0
296 stars 77 forks source link

I'm not getting fan speed #91

Open Hyphaed opened 2 years ago

Hyphaed commented 2 years ago

I'm not getting fan speed, I was getting it on previous versions

ferran@pop-os:~$ nvidia-settings -q all | grep FanSpeed
  Attribute 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' (pop-os:0[fan:0]): 0.
    The valid values for 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' are in the range 0 - 100 (inclusive).
    'GPUTargetFanSpeed' can use the following target types: Fan.
  Attribute 'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' (pop-os:0[fan:0]): 0.
    The valid values for 'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' are in the range 0 - 100 (inclusive).
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' is a read-only attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' can use the following target types: Fan.
  Attribute 'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' (pop-os:0[fan:0]): 0.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' is an integer attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' is a read-only attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' can use the following target types: Fan.
  Attribute 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' (pop-os:0[fan:1]): 0.
    The valid values for 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' are in the range 0 - 100 (inclusive).
    'GPUTargetFanSpeed' can use the following target types: Fan.
  Attribute 'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' (pop-os:0[fan:1]): 0.
    The valid values for 'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' are in the range 0 - 100 (inclusive).
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' is a read-only attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeed' can use the following target types: Fan.
  Attribute 'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' (pop-os:0[fan:1]): 0.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' is an integer attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' is a read-only attribute.
    'GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM' can use the following target types: Fan.
ferran@pop-os:~$ neofetch
             /////////////                ferran@pop-os 
         /////////////////////            ------------- 
      ///////*767////////////////         OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS x86_64 
    //////7676767676*//////////////       Kernel: 5.19.0-76051900-generic 
   /////76767//7676767//////////////      Uptime: 20 mins 
  /////767676///*76767///////////////     Packages: 2362 (dpkg), 61 (flatpak) 
 ///////767676///76767.///7676*///////    Shell: bash 5.1.16 
/////////767676//76767///767676////////   Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080 
//////////76767676767////76767/////////   DE: GNOME 42.3.1 
///////////76767676//////7676//////////   WM: Mutter 
////////////,7676,///////767///////////   WM Theme: Pop 
/////////////*7676///////76////////////   Theme: WhiteSur-Dark-solid-blue [GTK2/3] 
///////////////7676////////////////////   Icons: Vimix-dark [GTK2/3] 
 ///////////////7676///767////////////    Terminal: gnome-terminal 
  //////////////////////'////////////     CPU: 11th Gen Intel i7-11700 (16) @ 4.800GHz 
   //////.7676767676767676767,//////      GPU: Intel RocketLake-S GT1 [UHD Graphics 750] 
    /////767676767676767676767/////       GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 
      ///////////////////////////         Memory: 3220MiB / 63123MiB 

ferran@pop-os:~$ sudo grep -rhE ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list* 
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cuda-archive-keyring.gpg] https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2204/x86_64/ /
deb [arch=amd64,i386] https://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ stable steam 
deb-src [arch=amd64,i386] https://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ stable steam    
Augusto7743 commented 11 months ago

enable coolbits value 8 nvidia-xconfig --cool-bits=8