NVlabs / FoundationPose

[CVPR 2024 Highlight] FoundationPose: Unified 6D Pose Estimation and Tracking of Novel Objects
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the data of YCBV #227

Open 3114917790 opened 2 weeks ago

3114917790 commented 2 weeks ago

When I execute python bundlesdf/run_nerf.py --ref_view_dir model_free_ref_views/lm_ref_views --dataset linemod, I can't find the file mentioned in the figure, can you provide YCBV and ...


QuorZak commented 2 days ago

I have the same issue. It seems like the folders that you download from thier Google Drive (Linemod and YCBV) are laid out differently to how the code expects them to be.

Where to get "[Optional] Download our preprocessed reference views [here] (their google drive link) in order to run model-free few-shot version."

And instructions later on "python run_linemod.py --linemod_dir /mnt/9a72c439-d0a7-45e8-8d20-d7a235d02763/DATASET/LINEMOD --use_reconstructed_mesh 0

python run_ycb_video.py --ycbv_dir /mnt/9a72c439-d0a7-45e8-8d20-d7a235d02763/DATASET/YCB_Video --use_reconstructed_mesh 0"

Give errors that lead me to believe the folder layout is different. I extracted the zips to the recommended/default locations.

I need help also.

3114917790 commented 1 day ago

同样的问题。您从他们的 Google Drive(Linemod 和 YCBV)下载的文件夹的布局似乎与代码预期的布局不同。

从何处获取“[可选] 下载我们预处理的参考视图 [此处](他们的 google drive 链接),以便运行无模型的 few-shot 版本。

稍后的说明“python run_linemod.py --linemod_dir /mnt/9a72c439-d0a7-45e8-8d20-d7a235d02763/DATASET/LINEMOD --use_reconstructed_mesh 0

python run_ycb_video.py --ycbv_dir /mnt/9a72c439-d0a7-45e8-8d20-d7a235d02763/DATASET/YCB_Video --use_reconstructed_mesh 0”

给出的错误让我相信文件夹布局不同。我将 zip 提取到推荐/默认位置。

How do I estimate the pose of a model without CAD? What code should I run, or what parameters should I set