NVlabs / acronym

This repository contains a sample of the grasping dataset and tools to visualize grasps, generate random scenes, and render observations. The two sample files are in the HDF5 format.
MIT License
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data and website no longer accessible #20

Closed kedarrajpathak closed 2 months ago

kedarrajpathak commented 2 months ago

The link to download acronym.tar.gz and the website https://sites.google.com/nvidia.com/graspdataset are no longer accessible. Is this temporary or is the dataset not public anymore?

clemense commented 2 months ago

Thanks for pointing this out! The website and dataset are now here: https://sites.google.com/view/graspdataset/

Let me know if there are still any accessibility problems.

kedarrajpathak commented 2 months ago

Thanks. The updated website and data download links are working.