NYCPlanning / db-facilities

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GitHub release (latest SemVer) Build


File Description
facilities.csv CSV version of facDB, as of the latest build on the develop branch GeoDatabase version of facDB, as of the latest build on the develop branch Shapefile version of facDB, as of the latest build on the develop branch
qc_captype.csv QAQC for consistency in capacity type
qc_classification.csv QAQC for consistency in grouping information
qc_diff.csv QAQC for change in distribution of number of records by facsubgroup/group/domain between current and previous version
qc_mapped.csv QAQC for change in mapped records by facdomain, facgroup, facsubgrp, factype, and datasource
qc_operator.csv QAQC for consistency in operator information
qc_oversight.csv QAQC for consistency in oversight information
qc_recordcounts.csv QAQC for number of records in source vs facdb
qc_subgrpbins.csv QAQC for number of BINs per subgroup


Streamlit QAQC Page



Pipeline development with the facdb cli

💡 Note: the cli documentation might not always be up-to-date, to see the latest commands and features, use facdb --help

Options: --help Show this message and exit.

Commands: build Building facdb based on facdb_base clear clear will clear the cached dataset created while reading a... dataloading Load SQL dump datasets from data library e.g. export create file export init Initialize empty facdb_base table and create procedures and... qaqc Running QAQC commands run This function is used to execute the python portion of a... sql this command will execute any given sql script against the...


- `facdb init` initialization of the database with `facdb_base`, functions and stored procedures
- `facdb dataloading` load supplementry datasets from data-library (e.g. `dcp_mappluto_wi`, `doitt_buildingcentroids`)
- `facdb run`
    - `facdb run -n nysed_activeinstitutions` to execute both the python and sql part specified in `datasets.yml`
    - `facdb run -n nysed_activeinstitutions --python` to execute the python part only
    - `facdb run -n nysed_activeinstitutions --sql` to execute the sql part only
    - `facdb run -n nysed_activeinstitutions --python --sql` is the same as `facdb run -n nysed_activeinstitutions`
    - `facdb run --all` to run all available data piplines defined in `datasets.yml`
- `facdb sql`
    - `facdb sql -f facdb/sql/dcp_colp.sql` to execute one script
    - `facdb sql -f facdb/sql/dcp_colp.sql -f some/other/script.sql` to execute multiple scripts
- `facdb clear`
    - `facdb clear -n nysed_activeinstitutions` to clear cache for nysed_activeinstitutions
    - `facdb clear --all` to clear all cache for all datasets
- `facdb build` build facdb from loaded source tables and produce QAQC tables
