NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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A Most Portentous Dream Diary #148

Open notquitethere opened 4 years ago

notquitethere commented 4 years ago

This novel is made up of three years of dreams recorded in a diary, each with interpretations.

This project was made in Inform 7, with a corpus drawn from over 3700 dream entries in three different Victorian dream diaries found on Project Gutenberg.

A complete 70k+ novel can be found here.

The source can be found here. (Though most of the corpus is in a separate extension here.)

Here's a sample of the novel:

Saturday the 28th of July I recall two intermingling dreams. First I dreamed I was quilting a fly-trap. Then I dreamed I was buried alive. "If a lady dreams of going to a quilting party it foretells for her and her family thrift and good luck: gentlemen who dream of being much entertained at such a party will have the very best success in love matters. To see a fly-trap in a dream, is signal of malicious designing against you. For a man to dream he is buried alive, signifies he shall have much wealth." I want to go back to bed!

Sunday the 29th of July Today it is the day we clean the sheets. It's like I'm successful. I dreamed of goggles. The goggles were in danger. "To dream of goggles, is a warning of disreputable companions who will wheedle you into lending your money foolishly. To dream of being in danger shows success in life; to shun it misfortune."

Monday the 30th of July In my sleep I dreamed I was mourning some hogs. "To see people dressed in black and be among them foretells an invitation to a wedding or to be present at a marriage ceremony. To dream of seeing fat, strong-looking hogs, foretells brisk changes in business and safe dealings."

notquitethere commented 4 years ago

Note: where I was using old corpuses, there are lots of unpleasant and bigoted associations with different dream key words. Please bear this in mind when perusing that it is a document generated from material of an older time, and not a reflection of the author's beliefs.