NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Fictionalia #24

Open replabjohn opened 4 years ago

replabjohn commented 4 years ago

First time participant in NaNoGemMo (but long time noodler with Python)..

Fictionalia started as a way of reusing code from a game project I am working on. Basically, it will be a guide to a fictional county. (Sort of midway between Emily Short's The Annals of the Parrigues and The Guardian's "Let's Move To..." property columns, both of which will be used for source text).

Large amounts of code already exist, so November will be used bringing the text generation up to scratch. Initial approach will be using Python (2.7 - don't hate me!) and Markov chains, but may well stray into Neural Networks or Natural Language Toolkits over the next 30 days.

The final output will be a PDF file of a full book - front and back covers, illustrations, index, the works.

replabjohn commented 4 years ago

If anyone's interested, I've got to the point where we can create both front and back covers, Run '' to get a two-page PDF with the front and back covers. They feature a randomly selected image, a programmatically generated title and author name, programmatically-generated book description and critics' blurbs on the back cover and four different cover styles (Oh, and a plausible ISBN and barcode box).

Now back to trying to make the body of the book...