NaNoGenMo / 2021

National Novel Generation Month, 2021 edition.
44 stars 8 forks source link

Colourless Light #24

Open spikelynch opened 2 years ago

spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Going to participate, probably doing something with a visual / graphic element this year

spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Repository is here:

spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Preview of modulating the lipogrammatic constraint from start to finish of a page

he cleanness of colours, light-colourless light, colourless light, colourless li
ght. The light colourless light. 177. Lacal colours classed clothed to colourles
s light, colourless light. The colours called cllied and chemical colours. 774. 
 Lichly, the colours call latellæ, although clitely colourless. The colours call
 light. 777. Colour inclines to class the colours call clearly coloured colours 
call lightly illumined such an insching thickly, blue, owing to the law of the l
aws of light colourless light colourless. 177. Lacavimus colcularically, colouri
ng such lacations. All light, colourless light. Accordingly with accidentally co
lours. Colourless light, coloured light, colourless light. Accordingly accappate
d the light cannot last laised, by means of colourless light to colourless light
, colourless light as comparatively displaying, cannot last less colourless ligh
t, colourless light-to colourless light to class the colours already existing in
 its light and clearness, lice in colour may be also leading lights and colours,
 according to the laws of the light, the light arising class of colours to the c
ase of the light cannot be called a light colourless light. 177. If the light ca
nnot be allowed to coloured shadows including lasts. The light can calact the co
lours are lichtest alluded to, as a colourless class. The light colour. All this
 allied to colours all the colours are all accessory image colourless. 177. All 
changes its impression in its application. This last desirable. Colouring silks,
 and to class the accessory image can class is comparatively intelligible at las
t a distinction of colours. In this case, according to their colours. 176. All t
his is the application of yellow, as they appear as a light ground. 151. All cha
nges its impainting and calcareous acids and all access to all apparatus without
 displaying their increasing a coloured light is compared with the light is actu
ally incalcances allied to it, and again, and in its allitional and chemical act
ion and reaction allied to its accidenable accompanimate itself in a circle, and
 in all its accidenable in all is always an impression of a light and instances 
in a manifestalical and varieties of any oiling a yellowish and yellowing exactl
y accompanies in a dark room, if a yellow-red appearance is always a gainer pain
ter, so also account in any air it as a painting in and again taking in a given 
any accessory image. If you are notically acquainted with the action and reality
 itself in a painting and apparations and appears in a fifty years affinity in a
ny airing a yellowish and yellowish, and in its apparatus within it, is only a s
aid to accomplish it, and in its inability and increased in a silver inadiasisal
 and in allied to it, and again, and animals and air in a many assuming any alte
rations and airing airing a yellowish and yellowish, and in its ain alliained ai
minating, as it is also inimates, inasmuch as it is always a gradual inacilar al
ian atiansing all increasing the appearances arising and analyer. If this appear
ance is intimately acquainted with its yellow and yellow-red, and yearing in its
 ancient aiminating, and in its inability is affacted and apparent. 111. If a ye
spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Lots more output examples here

spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Excerpt from first book-length preview

benomence. 444. We make pronomnens with many manner be made with which we make them 
scholars before mentwoned, which we now much more brilliantly minuteness. 444. We 
call now be announces be made with morknown, manner by means of which we make them 
scallent manner by means of blue which was now benond we now benoment which would 
clearly be made when we bring the moment when we bend themselves with black may be 
classed closed with nature. 444. But beswness with wimness. By making bodies with 
climates when we now be will now be now mention with many manner be benement by mennown 
light colourless; but we now mention now annoment may be made with many manner be 
 classed will clean, now be wanting with now be winnown, on waking by means of which 
the light colour cannobles be now monn by menning new mubbbling, but new much more 
completely cleaned, but now be whiteness. We makent by Bombers, Boschini will be 
clearly collected. 777. What we make unknown by menning whiteness with which now 
clearly colourlessly cleaned before much more winnow border with many manner be made 
lightly coloured liquids cannot be more wentance whence we may be made with which 
Colourless light colourless blue with two manner by means of which we make them with 
light, lighle lights, clolly laws with which nearest boddenws by which men whom we 
call loccles inclined to colourless mediums, we may be more nearly when without making 
clearly collected, callly lightly in blank. 444. But without much more new mombable 
alluded to all colourless light llack, making by which manner be wants which make 
use of light colourless lightly cleaned. By maknom when we bend with knowledgn, be 
closely classed clearly colourless likely manner, be made with now much more numbers, 
callly like the llackness of colourless light, while in which we now much more new 
cloudless, so classical the light, colourless minuteness, which we may be made with 
the clearness of colourless class less lightly blue-ble whiteness with black may 
be clearly colourless; like clearly tollowed up blue before mentioned, but now be 
closely conclusively clearly collected by Noccle lines, but much more be went on 
the clearly coloured; and look locally colourless. 744. We will now be observed by 
clearly cleaced, the colours clearly coloured lightly innumberaw with any beauty. 
Colourless lightly cllys lock closely colourless, lightly broken mediums which new 
clearly collected lightly illumined by light colourless, like white new momby by 
clearly collected lightly collectedly clearly lightly cleaned, but notwithstanding 
the colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light communicated by Nobilings 
class closely colourless lightly coloured lightly cleaned, closed with which nonks 
 class which we call leccles lock in cloth; science loses the coloured borders become 
colourless; lightly illumined by the clearle surface occasion to lively minnuments 
colourless, like lively, colourless lightly cllond the colourless lightness, may 
last looks long conclude floch calculated to brilliancy of colour classed before 
colourless clearly discollected. 777. Lastly, lead us closely conclusively necessary 
to connect all the colours classed the colourless class of colours, lightly innumenable 
shall clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light, lightly cllornd successively
spikelynch commented 2 years ago

PDF preview sample is here:

spikelynch commented 2 years ago

Completed text of Colourless Light:

This includes the project's as an appendix:

hugovk commented 2 years ago

Great work, fascinating write-up in the README about your glyph-to-colour synaesthesia and this novel generator tuned for your own synaesthesia!