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[@nativescript/background-http] Android SDK 34 and FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission #593

Open gdsoftdev opened 1 month ago

gdsoftdev commented 1 month ago


I 've been using background-http plugin for years and it works great to upload photos taken with app on application server with an api. In accordance with google's request to update my application on the play store, I had to target android 34. Now when I want to publish my application, it tells me that I have to justify why and how I use the permission FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC with a video. I noticed that this permission was requested by net.gotev:uploadservice:4.9.2 which is a dependency of the background-http plugin. Do you have a solution?

meeshkabob commented 1 month ago

This has impacted our project as well. In gotenv Issue 660, it's explained that their current implementation would need major rework in order to remove the need for permission FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC.

Seems that folks have had luck with declaring the permission in Google Play with a video of the UI feature demonstrating how the permission is used. (In our case, uploading images selected via @nativescript/image-picker.)

However, a code-based workaround would be preferable, since continuing to depend on gotenv via @nativescript/background-http poses a risk to apps being published to Play Store.