NatronGitHub / Natron

Open-source video compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionalities to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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(Feature): UI/UX + icons overhaul (+ discussion) #798

Open paulHempel opened 2 years ago

paulHempel commented 2 years ago

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Currently Natrons UI is very basic (yet functional). To get people more comfortable with using the application, I suggest simple, yet effective UI and UX updates:

What I would like to provide:

What I would need

What do you think?

Is this a realistically implementable feature?

Can you contribute in creating this feature?

Additional details

It is realistic, but I can't say it is a 1 month type of realistic thing ;)

rodlie commented 2 years ago


This has been discussed for a while (in public and private), we also have various mockups and icons (@Shrinks99).

It's currently a matter of doing it, I was planning on doing a UI overhaul when our Qt5 port is complete.

shetozz commented 2 years ago

@rodlie Hi, as @paulHempel mentioned some of the redesigns need some sort of user feedback, so to avoid overdoing the redesign and solving some issues only to create new ones, would it be a little better to create a visual design team of some sort to give some feedback as the users of Natron are split into several categories and everyone has a different preference.

for example, some of the users have a preference for using Nuke others are coming from DR Fusion, and a third group are long-time Natron users not to mention the 3D software users, so it would be a mess to make major UI changes without being extremely cautious.

rodlie commented 2 years ago

so it would be a mess to make major UI changes without being extremely cautious.

My plans are not disruptive, they are primary fixes and style changes (make it look a bit better without changing UX).

Major redesigns are not planned (from my point of view).

decryptedchaos commented 2 years ago

My opinion on this matter is to use caution.

Aside from being great software, my biggest draw to natron is it being closely related to nuke which is the DeFacto standard.

And learning one is near as makes no difference learning the other. I personally think the UX isn't the only issue on the table, but rather why the users want to use natron.

And while as I have said my reasons are because I feel like it's two birds with one stone. being (somewhat) closely related to nuke. I know there are those using coming from fusion. But I feel like staying pure to the nuke methodology as much as reasonably possible is perhaps best overall for those using the software. In mimicking the industry standard you create a best of both worlds scenario where one could interchange the other with ease (from a skills perspective)

It's currently a matter of doing it, I was planning on doing a UI overhaul when our Qt5 port is complete.

I agree Qt5 is probably the best time/place to do this overhaul, hopefully that just isn't years down the road.

rodlie commented 2 years ago

I agree Qt5 is probably the best time/place to do this overhaul, hopefully that just isn't years down the road.

Will happen this year, no ETA though.

Shrinks99 commented 2 years ago

Hey there new interested people! For those of you who don't know me, I'm a designer and VFX artist and I've been working on and off on Natron's design for... probably years at this point along with @Songtech-0912. Both of us have been kind of busy over the last few months (just wrapped comping a show myself) and disappointingly have little in terms of concrete additions to the program to show for it 😅. That said, our new website is almost sorted and is in a position where it can be launched pretty much whenever!

As @rodlie mentioned, some significant work has already been put into this! Many of the things said here align with what's been done already. Here's a Figma link for anyone interested.

Our goals for this redesign are as follows:

Hopefully this gets everyone up to speed! Design aside, there are also some programming related asks from me that come along with this redesign:

decryptedchaos commented 2 years ago


This is great info, I'm excited to see the outcome in the future.

I much prefer the UI tweaks in your example. It's much cleaner, the icons and spacing on the existing UI has always felt a bit haphazard

paulHempel commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all the great feedback.

After reading it, I totally agree to stick to the Nuke inspired UX.

My thoughts actually were pretty much "if this looks like Blender does right now, it would be great" – and suggesting to use their iconography and extending it would be a great thing IMHO. Which would create a cohesive "OSS suite".

@Shrinks99 on the topic of spacing: I would then reword it in "better spacing". In general I agree on the point made about professional software, which wants to present a rather large amount of control on a compact space. Yet the initial feeling for me was a little of. If we let us inspire by Blender once again, their approach on layout is a little more "cleaned up" and nicer to look at. Of course there shouldn't be large spaces of unused negative-space.

To sum things up:

What I would do:

shetozz commented 2 years ago

@Shrinks99 Hi, the paper about the node-based interface is really awesome and I really enjoyed it, but I noticed a typo in the intro to nodes section under the Multi-In-Single-Out header

Multi-in-single-out node graphs are typically laid out vertically and their graph structure is less complex than nodes with multiple outputs. They optimize for graph hierarchy and legibility at the cost of only having out output type.

In the last sentence, I think what you meant to type is "only having one output type." It's not the place for this but I don't use Twitter or Instagram and I didn't wanna spam your mail.

Shrinks99 commented 2 years ago

@shetozz I'm really glad you enjoyed it, that makes me very happy! Error is fixed, for any future issues you may find (and I'm sure there are a few...) it would be helpful to report these in an issue over on that project's repo instead of commenting here which I'm pretty sure actually does spam Ole-André's email along with everyone else's GitHub issues ;)

...Or send me an email! Really! That's why it's there!

decryptedchaos commented 2 years ago

One simple point I should add in regard to spaced out UI which @paulHempel covered by a setting toggle.

Spacious UIs may make sense in large production houses with the budget for gigantic 5K retina displays with enough pixels to stretch from here to the moon.

But I'm not sure how many of us home shops / hobbyist has that, personally I run 3 1080p panels

paulHempel commented 2 years ago

@decryptedchaos I totally agree with the basic argumentation. Although 4k panels become more common (and cheaper), which also shows in the adoption of support for high-dpi and larger then 1080p interfaces in Linux distros the last years.

Another way of looking at it: maybe small to medium studios want to use Natron and they have a little better and larger hardware - they probably want to make use of their space somehow.

But yeah, 1080p will be the standard for some years to come. Personally I don't run any 1080p panels anymore (only WQHD and up+), so this is my subjective view on the situation. But I also see and understand my privileged situation.

decryptedchaos commented 2 years ago

Another way of looking at it: maybe small to medium studios want to use Natron and they have a little better and larger hardware

I completely agree it should be an option. Just not default until 2k/4k become just as cost effective as 1080.

The practical implications are we will need to maintain two stylesheets in whatever markup/layout is used by Qt5/Natron.

Their will be scenarios where things like icon placement works on one and not the other.