NaturalGIS / naturalgis_ntv2_transformations

A plugin for the QGIS Processing toolbox to allow users do Datum transformations with NTv2 grids
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Port Australia transformations to master/QGIS3 #25

Closed gioman closed 4 years ago

gioman commented 7 years ago


alexgleith commented 7 years ago

Hey @gioman, I've got the dev (master) version of QGIS for mac now. Says version 2.99. Is this the version that will be 3.0 that I should be testing against?

gioman commented 7 years ago


Hey @gioman, I've got the dev (master) version of QGIS for mac now. Says version 2.99. Is this the version that will be 3.0 that I should be testing against?

yes. probably in

you will need to change the minimum version to 2.99, because as it is now it won't show/work.