NavidK0 / Carbon

Carbon is a Spigot plugin which turns a spigot protocol hacked server (on 1.7.10) into a 1.8 server.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Players can destroy armour stands in private. #185

Closed Leymooo closed 10 years ago

Leymooo commented 10 years ago

Players can destroy armour stands in private. How fix it?

Как это пофиксить? Я спавн делаю в стиле 15 века,думал в замке стоек наставить и на рынке возле продавцов НПС. А это ни как не сделать( Помоги плз. Стойки ломаются в привате игроками у которых нет прав на регион(

Jikoo commented 10 years ago

Your protection plugin needs to update to handle this. Carbon has done its part by firing an EntityDamageByEntityEvent when armor stands are destroyed.

Leymooo commented 10 years ago

Last WG dev build not support this( Where i can found this plugin?

Слушай. Последний WG дев билд не поддерживает это. Как быть?

Shevchik commented 10 years ago

Write your own.

Leymooo commented 10 years ago

Я не умею(

Leymooo commented 10 years ago

Можешь ты это добавить в WGExtender?

NavidK0 commented 10 years ago

No, it's not our business to modify add "extensions" to support other plugins that are not ready for 1.8. Why? Because plugins that need an extension will also break when Spigot 1.8 is released.