Hello, I am the developer of MineChat. I have an issue connecting to servers using Carbon. The problem is that the server ping request says the the server is protocol 5 (MC 1.7.9). MineChat then attempts to connect to the server with the same protocol and then gets disconnected because carbon is requiring protocol 47 for MC 1.8. It would be helpful if Carbon could change the ping response to say the correct server version. Would like to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you for your help.
Hello, I am the developer of MineChat. I have an issue connecting to servers using Carbon. The problem is that the server ping request says the the server is protocol 5 (MC 1.7.9). MineChat then attempts to connect to the server with the same protocol and then gets disconnected because carbon is requiring protocol 47 for MC 1.8. It would be helpful if Carbon could change the ping response to say the correct server version. Would like to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you for your help.