NeoSpark314 / BeepSaber

A basic implementation of the Beat Saber VR game mechanic in the Godot Game Engine for Oculus Quest (and other VR headsets)
MIT License
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better walls (plus some minor improvements) #27

Open leandrodreamer opened 2 years ago

leandrodreamer commented 2 years ago

some very small improvements to the walls, i have noticed that in some maps i missed cubes because they were almost completely hidden by the walls, so i increased the transparency (except in the corners), also slightly reduced the collider size and make it so it resets your combo if you get in

leandrodreamer commented 2 years ago

i make it so you don't have to cut a cube 100% perfect to keep the precision meter at 100%, so its easier (or at least, now humanly possible) to get an S ( >=98%), and now there is a little indicator if u do a full combo (none of this affects the regular score, it is only for giving the player a reference of how good did they do)

edit: also added a "new record" indicator imagen