Neptune-Crypto / twenty-first

Collection of mathematics routines and cryptography for the twenty-first century
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StorageVec API is non-symmetric with regards to input and return types. possible panic on 32 bit systems. #159

Closed dan-da closed 5 months ago

dan-da commented 10 months ago

At present, the trait looks like:

pub trait StorageVec<T> {
    fn len(&self) -> Index;
    fn get(&self, index: Index) -> T;
    fn get_many(&self, indices: &[Index]) -> Vec<T>;
    fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<T>;
    fn set(&mut self, index: Index, value: T);
    fn set_many(&mut self, key_vals: impl IntoIterator<Item = (Index, T)>);
    fn set_all(&mut self, vals: &[T]);
    fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T>;
    fn push(&mut self, value: T);

We can notice that set and set_many accept an index of type Index while get_many and get_all return a Vec<T>

Index is defined to be a u64. Vec native indexes are of type usize which would be 2^32 on a 32 bit system and 2^64 on 64 bit system. (to state the obvious)

In order to generate the return Vec, implementors of this trait cast the internal indexes of type Index to usize. This cast can panic on a 32bit system if the index size is > usize::Max ie 2^32. example cast. So for example get_all would panic at the 2^32+1 element. The situation is not quite as bad for get_many. On a 32-bit system it would be limited to returning 2^32 elements, but would not panic (because the input list of indices is also an array/vec).

set_all also has a problem because it accepts &[T]. On a 32 bit system this would be limited to 2^32 elements, which of course is much smaller than the 2^64 total addressable elements in StorageVec, eg as returned by len(). For a collection with more than 2^32 values, set_all() would panic because implementors assert that input length is equal to target.len().

Some possible actions/remedies are:

  1. no action. leave as-is. perhaps this could never be a problem in practice trying to get/set more than 2^32 values at once?
  2. add doc-comments to warn caller, and leave responsibility with caller.
  3. modify get_many, get_all, set_all to use (Index, T) instead of T.
  4. leave get_many, get_all, set_all, but doc-comment them, and add variants of each that uses Vec<(Index, T)> instead of Vec<T>.
  5. define Index to be a usize rather than u64.

Of these, I prefer option 4. It is backwards compatible with existing code/tests, but also provides a "more correct" path forward. It leaves the existing methods for convenience, and places responsibility for length checking with the caller.

Option 1 seems not a good idea, especially as this is a crate published to

Option 3 would require the most up-front work, and also there are many legitimate uses for calling the existing methods, where it is known that the length is less than 2^32. And these methods are more convenient than passing around a tuple (Index, T).

Option 5 is simple. It probably is not workable due to how this library is being used in practice, where more than 2^32 elements are expected in eg MMR.

dan-da commented 10 months ago

I just got bitten by a related ergonomics issue. Namely get_many() does not return the original indices, so caller must keep track of them. And worse it is a logic error to use the array indices that are returned by get_many().

In working with these types in neptune-core, a pattern is to (1) get_many(), (2) mutate, and then (3) set_many(). My natural inclination is to write this as:

let vals_to_modify = v.get_many(&[1, 2]);
let vals_for_update = vals_to_modify.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, v)| (i, v += 1));

this however is a logic error. It will update elems 0,1. not 1,2 as desired. The correct way would be something like:

let indices = [1,2];
let vals_to_modify = v.get_many(&indices);
let vals_for_update = indices.iter().zip(vals_to_modify).map(|(i, v)| (i, v += 1));

This works, but is gross to always have to zip together indices and values.

If we have a get_many() that returns Vec(Index,T)>, then we can do:

let vals_to_modify = v.get_many(&[1, 2]);
let vals_for_update = vals_to_modify.iter().map(|(i, v)| (i, v += 1));


I made a little test case that demonstrates the logic error when using get_many result incorrectly:

    fn get_many_indexes() {
        let db = get_test_db();
        let mut v: RustyLevelDbVec<u128> = RustyLevelDbVec::new(db.clone(), 0, "unit test vec a");

        let pattern = vec![100, 200, 300];

        let set = v.get_many(&[1, 2]);

        // one might (wrongly) think this should set indices 1 and 2 to their original values.
        // instead, it will set indices 0 and 1 as returned by `get_many`.
        // So there is a loss of symmetry here.

        assert_eq!(pattern, v.get_all());

        // failing result is:
        // assertion `left == right` failed
        //   left: [100, 200, 300]
        //  right: [200, 300, 300]

So this is not "wrong behavior" by set_many, it is just an easy trap to fall into, as the caller.

Especially because one can use the indices returned from get_all() as input to set_all() without problem.

Sword-Smith commented 10 months ago

I see a 6th option: Get rid of get_all, and potentially set_all. It can be argued that those functions are too easy to use incorrectly anyway, as they may very well crash the program because it asks for too much RAM. And get_all can simply be replaced by v.get_many(&(0..normal_vector.len() as u64).collect_vec()). Notice that the allocation of the index-vector in RAM is fine, as you need to allocate the return values anyway, and it will most likely be much larger.

The returned value from get_all obviously lives in RAM, and for big enough data sets that will clearly not fit.

If you feel that get_many is unergonomic feel free to change it as you suggest. I don't mind its current behavior but I'm also not defensive about it.

Sword-Smith commented 5 months ago

storage functionality was removed from twenty-first in 3775c51b.