Neptune-Crypto / twenty-first

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switch out rusty-leveldb for C++ impl. #163

Closed dan-da closed 8 months ago

dan-da commented 10 months ago

This is a tracking issue for the task(s) of switching to C++ impl of levelb.

Some motivating factors for this are:

A challenge is that the C++ impl does not support fully in-memory databases. So on-disk database directory is created for each DB, and must somehow be cleaned up for tests, including tests that panic: on purpose or not.

Rough Roadmap:

Sword-Smith commented 10 months ago

I'm excited about this because it can reduce the number of locks, and because we switch to a well-tested implementation! If you have the chance, I would love to see one or two benchmarks comparing performance.

Number one priority for me is to preserve the atomicity that we have on DB writes. But from what I can see that is unchanged by these changes.

dan-da commented 10 months ago

Yes, I've started a 2nd pass that is aimed at removing unneeded locks and simplification. For example, do we need a read cache, when leveldb has one? We can pass a leveldb cache object of any size we choose in the options when creating DB. For any remaining locks, can they be RwLock instead of Mutex? Part of the 2nd pass will be writing some tests for concurrency and speed. As I understand it, DbtVec is essentially a read/write cache for a db-backed vec, whereas DatabaseVec is a db-backed vec with no app-level cache. I'd like to benchmark these against eachother to quantify the differences. And also benchmark the C++ leveldb against the rust-crate (on-disk db). Concurrency (atomicity) tests should help ensure we don't have regressions on that front.

dan-da commented 10 months ago

I made some benchmarks for the database. Below are numbers for rs-leveldb (C++) using the database get/put/delete APIs directly, and trying out the different read/write options. I also tried changing some DB creation options, but they didn't seem to have much effect.

     Running benches/ (/home/danda/dev/neptune/twenty-first/target/release/deps/database-58fb112e1804b0f1)
Timer precision: 27 ns
database                               fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
╰─ leveldb                                           │               │               │               │         │
   ├─ read_100_entries                               │               │               │               │         │
   │  ╰─ gets                                        │               │               │               │         │
   │     ├─ get_each_entry_1_time                    │               │               │               │         │
   │     │  ├─ fill_cache                            │               │               │               │         │
   │     │  │  ├─ no_verify_checksums                │               │               │               │         │
   │     │  │  │  ╰─ get               35.04 µs      │ 97.35 µs      │ 35.19 µs      │ 35.73 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │     │  │  ╰─ verify_checksums                   │               │               │               │         │
   │     │  │     ╰─ get               35.04 µs      │ 194.3 µs      │ 35.22 µs      │ 37.89 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │     │  ╰─ no_fill_cache                         │               │               │               │         │
   │     │     ├─ no_verify_checksums                │               │               │               │         │
   │     │     │  ╰─ get               47.19 µs      │ 190.2 µs      │ 76.9 µs       │ 89.28 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │     │     ╰─ verify_checksums                   │               │               │               │         │
   │     │        ╰─ get               51.21 µs      │ 199.4 µs      │ 82.18 µs      │ 95.32 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │     ╰─ get_each_entry_20_times                  │               │               │               │         │
   │        ├─ fill_cache                            │               │               │               │         │
   │        │  ├─ no_verify_checksums                │               │               │               │         │
   │        │  │  ╰─ get               674.9 µs      │ 2.226 ms      │ 677.1 µs      │ 738.7 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │        │  ╰─ verify_checksums                   │               │               │               │         │
   │        │     ╰─ get               674.9 µs      │ 3.15 ms       │ 677.1 µs      │ 746.8 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │        ╰─ no_fill_cache                         │               │               │               │         │
   │           ├─ no_verify_checksums                │               │               │               │         │
   │           │  ╰─ get               674.9 µs      │ 3.083 ms      │ 677.8 µs      │ 734.6 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │           ╰─ verify_checksums                   │               │               │               │         │
   │              ╰─ get               675.8 µs      │ 3.255 ms      │ 677.8 µs      │ 727 µs        │ 1000    │ 1000
   ╰─ write_100_entries                              │               │               │               │         │
      ├─ deletes                                     │               │               │               │         │
      │  ├─ no_sync_on_write                         │               │               │               │         │
      │  │  ├─ batch_delete            819.5 µs      │ 2.236 ms      │ 1.223 ms      │ 1.27 ms       │ 1000    │ 1000
      │  │  ├─ batch_delete_write      777.1 µs      │ 53.41 ms      │ 1.144 ms      │ 1.264 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
      │  │  ╰─ delete                  267.9 µs      │ 2.364 ms      │ 292.9 µs      │ 348.8 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
      │  ╰─ sync_on_write                            │               │               │               │         │
      │     ├─ batch_delete            781.1 µs      │ 12.06 ms      │ 1.207 ms      │ 1.274 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
      │     ├─ batch_delete_write      823.2 µs      │ 2.277 ms      │ 1.229 ms      │ 1.271 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
      │     ╰─ delete                  86.67 ms      │ 193 ms        │ 124.7 ms      │ 124.1 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
      ╰─ puts                                        │               │               │               │         │
         ├─ no_sync_on_write                         │               │               │               │         │
         │  ├─ batch_put               130.1 µs      │ 1.066 s       │ 51.12 ms      │ 62.91 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
         │  ├─ batch_put_write         46.9 µs       │ 2.199 ms      │ 90.38 µs      │ 102.5 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
         │  ╰─ put                     306.2 µs      │ 1.581 ms      │ 327.8 µs      │ 337.3 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
         ╰─ sync_on_write                            │               │               │               │         │
            ├─ batch_put               1.313 ms      │ 323.3 ms      │ 67.23 ms      │ 69.12 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
            ├─ batch_put_write         957.7 µs      │ 57.72 ms      │ 2.2 ms        │ 2.698 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
            ╰─ put                     82.35 ms      │ 921.1 ms      │ 126.9 ms      │ 134.8 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000


It would be interesting to compare these with rusty_leveldb, but I would need to merge to master and port the API changes. Not a big deal, but still I'm not sure if I will find time for that... low priority.

A more useful thing will be similar tests using DbtVec. With those as a baseline, we can see how changes affect performance.

dan-da commented 10 months ago

Here are some bench results for DbtVec:

db_dbtvec                      fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
├─ read_100_entries                          │               │               │               │         │
│  ├─ get_each_entry_1_time                  │               │               │               │         │
│  │  ├─ get_many_persisted    56.94 µs      │ 93.66 µs      │ 57.54 µs      │ 58.48 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│  │  ├─ get_many_unpersisted  15.5 µs       │ 38.01 µs      │ 16 µs         │ 17.11 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│  │  ├─ get_persisted         45.47 µs      │ 94.32 µs      │ 45.56 µs      │ 46.83 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│  │  ╰─ get_unpersisted       7.85 µs       │ 27.96 µs      │ 8.181 µs      │ 8.402 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│  ╰─ get_each_entry_20_times                │               │               │               │         │
│     ├─ get_many_persisted    1.158 ms      │ 2.254 ms      │ 1.163 ms      │ 1.186 ms      │ 1000    │ 1000
│     ├─ get_many_unpersisted  315.4 µs      │ 573 µs        │ 317.2 µs      │ 321.5 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│     ├─ get_persisted         905 µs        │ 1.663 ms      │ 906.8 µs      │ 920.2 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
│     ╰─ get_unpersisted       151.3 µs      │ 263.2 µs      │ 151.6 µs      │ 153.6 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
╰─ write_100_entries                         │               │               │               │         │
   ├─ pop                                    │               │               │               │         │
   │  ├─ pop                   1.741 µs      │ 12.25 µs      │ 1.849 µs      │ 1.874 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │  ╰─ pop_and_persist       4.443 µs      │ 145.3 µs      │ 4.784 µs      │ 4.93 µs       │ 1000    │ 1000
   ├─ push                                   │               │               │               │         │
   │  ├─ push                  10.49 µs      │ 3.446 ms      │ 24.49 µs      │ 33.1 µs       │ 1000    │ 1000
   │  ╰─ push_and_persist      82.15 µs      │ 928.2 µs      │ 106 µs        │ 112.4 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   ├─ set                                    │               │               │               │         │
   │  ├─ set                   47.44 µs      │ 133.4 µs      │ 69.27 µs      │ 71.91 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   │  ╰─ set_and_persist       91.19 µs      │ 1.694 ms      │ 130.7 µs      │ 143.7 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
   ╰─ set_many                               │               │               │               │         │
      ├─ set_many              57.58 µs      │ 155.9 µs      │ 70.91 µs      │ 78.35 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000
      ╰─ set_many_and_persist  95.27 µs      │ 1.289 ms      │ 134.8 µs      │ 155.3 µs      │ 1000    │ 1000


Here are full results, including leveldb results from the same run. bench-results.txt

Tests are not committed and pushed yet. I plan to do that over the weekend.

Sword-Smith commented 10 months ago

Very interesting insights, especially that the batch operations set_many and get_many slow things down, the don't speed them up. I would say that you could argue that it's the caller's responsibility that the cache does not grow too big. So far, we've followed the policy that twenty-first primarily exists to serve the needs of Triton VM and Neptune Core. If anyone else can use twenty-first, great, but that's not its primary objective.

Sword-Smith commented 8 months ago

A few questions:

  1. I notice that DbtSingletonPrivate doesn't have a key_prefix value like DbtVecPrivate has. Shouldn't it have that to guarantee that key-collissions cannot happen?
  2. Documentation in indicates that restore_or_new should be called before tables are added to the schema, but that method needs to be called after, right?
dan-da commented 8 months ago

A few questions:

  1. I notice that DbtSingletonPrivate doesn't have a key_prefix value like DbtVecPrivate has. Shouldn't it have that to guarantee that key-collissions cannot happen?

I don't think that's necessary. See #177.

  1. Documentation in indicates that restore_or_new should be called before tables are added to the schema, but that method needs to be called after, right?

yes, the tables must already exist, or else it is a no-op.

I think you are referring to the doctest examples, yes? I will correct them, thx.

dan-da commented 8 months ago

Closing this. rs-leveldb with leveldb_sys (C++ lib) dep was merged last month.