NetDBFPGA / ecv2021_demo

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Two-stream Action Recognition SOC 🎬

In this project, we implement the two-stream action recognition system on FPGA. Our model has around 10 times less operations than other C3D-based FPGA systems and can achieve near real-time requirement (10~15 FPS) while keeping similar accuracy (on UCF101 and backbone model is ResNet18).

Architecture Accuracy GOPs Size(MB) Backbone
F-C3D[1] 79% 76 321 C3D
F-E3D[2] 85% 12.2 8.6 E3DNet
Sun et al.[3] 88% 26.13 126 (2+1)D
Ours 86% 4.12 22.3 ResNet18

System Overview

Quick Run

We provide the pre-build bitstream and pre-trained model for quick demo. Please refer to zcu102_demo

Build Bitstream


Build Command

#### run hls cnn + bitstream
> make

#### run bitstream only
> make bitstream

#### run hls cnn
> make hls
