Closed vishnu4 closed 4 years ago
replied in develop branch using this test
List<IShapefileFeature> data = null;
using (var reader = new ShapeDataReader("TestShapefiles/crustal_test.shp"))
var mbr = reader.ShapefileBounds;
data = reader.ReadByMBRFilter(mbr).ToList();
foreach (var item in data)
Both asserts actually throws an InvalidOperationException
in ShapeReader.ThrowIfDisposed
@airbreather fix is straightforward, as long as it's acceptable to remove the Lazy objects that are the source of the error...
public ShapefileFeature(ShapeReader shapeReader, DbaseReader dbfReader, ShapeLocationInFileInfo shapeLocation, GeometryFactory geoFactory)
FeatureId = shapeLocation.ShapeIndex;
_lazyGeometry = new Lazy<Geometry>(() => shapeReader.ReadShapeAtOffset(shapeLocation.OffsetFromStartOfFile, geoFactory), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
_lazyAttributeTable = new Lazy<IAttributesTable>(() => dbfReader.ReadEntry(shapeLocation.ShapeIndex), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
// see
var tempGeom = _lazyGeometry.Value;
var tempAttrs = _lazyAttributeTable.Value;
see simply as a suggestion.
@FObermaier @airbreather if you agree I can commit the code by myself
as long as it's acceptable to remove the Lazy objects that are the source of the error
Sounds fine to me
please see PR #30
having an issue where i would like to read from a shape file, dispose the reader but hold the shape file information to do something with later. something like:
and then later, in another method that
on the attribute line, i get the following error:
_System.InvalidOperationException: Reader was disposed, cannot read from a disposed reader Stack Trace: DbaseReader.ReadEntry(Int32 index) <.ctor>b__1() Lazy
1.CreateValue() Lazy
1.LazyInitValue() Lazy`1.get_Value() IFeature.getAttributes()is there any way to get what i'm looking for here, or can i not centralize the shape file loading/disposing like i'm hoping to?