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Populate Github release with changelog for each tag / release that is created #11

Open micahr opened 6 years ago

micahr commented 6 years ago

Adding the changelog for a release to the releases tab in Github would be very helpful. The changelog file is useful, but not everyone checks it. Adding the changelog notes plus allowing for a Title to be provided when "unleashing" a new release would be a nice addition.

jameswomack commented 6 years ago

@micahr that would be really cool, never thought of that. Thanks for the suggestion.


jameswomack commented 6 years ago

portokallidis commented 6 years ago

Great job you are doing there!

jameswomack commented 6 years ago

Thanks @portokallidis

fluffynuts commented 6 years ago

Just a thought, but instead of going through all the GitHub-specific stuff, what about if the changelog (perhaps just for the last release) is added to the commit message for the tag? This would (a) not require any GitHub auth, but would also support other git providers (BitBucket, GitLab, etc). I've tested with `git tag -m "some message" and I see that GitHub doesn't support markdown in the tag message, but it does show the message upon expanding the ellipsis next to the tag name.

btw, thanks for unleash -- I've written my own release stuff with gulp before, but this is (a) way simple to use and (b) does the tagging bit that I never got to :+1: