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NPM Publish is not working with npm 6.4.1 and node 10.14.2 #17

Open gordokan opened 5 years ago

gordokan commented 5 years ago

NPM: 6.4.1 Node: 10.14.2

After running unleash -p I get the following error in the console. The steps before NPM publish seem to work correctly.

[11:19:04] Loading NPM....
WARNING: You are likely using a version of node-tar or npm that is incompatible with this version of Node.js.
Please use either the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js, or a version of npm (> 5.5.1 or < 5.4.0) or node-tar (> 4.0.1) that is compatible with Node.js 9 and above.
posh~git ~ WebCommon-WebpackConfig [master][9076]: src\ Assertion `args.Length() == 7 && "init(windowBits, level, memLevel, strategy, writeResult, writeCallback," " dictionary)"' failed.
 1: 00007FF66C6408AA v8::internal::GCIdleTimeHandler::GCIdleTimeHandler+4810
 2: 00007FF66C619C46 node::MakeCallback+4518
 3: 00007FF66C619CFF node::MakeCallback+4703
 4: 00007FF66C57437D v8::internal::ParseInfo::end_position+94557
 5: 00007FF66CE44E02 v8::internal::OptimizingCompileDispatcher::Unblock+60562
 6: 00007FF66CE4629D v8::internal::OptimizingCompileDispatcher::Unblock+65837
 7: 00007FF66CE452F9 v8::internal::OptimizingCompileDispatcher::Unblock+61833
 8: 00007FF66CE451DB v8::internal::OptimizingCompileDispatcher::Unblock+61547
 9: 00000075316DC5C1
fixcik commented 4 years ago

I have same problem with node v12.12.0 and npm 6.12.1

Please use either the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js, or a version of npm (> 5.5.1 or < 5.4.0) or node-tar (> 4.0.1) that is compatible with Node.js 9 and above.
node[51402]: ../src/ void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibStream::Init(const FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &): Assertion `args.Length() == 7 && "init(windowBits, level, memLevel, strategy, writeResult, writeCallback," " dictionary)"' failed.
 1: 0x100b6a52a node::Abort() (.cold.1) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 2: 0x100081f70 node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 3: 0x100081d28 node::AppendExceptionLine(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, v8::Local<v8::Message>, node::ErrorHandlingMode) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 4: 0x1000f30bd node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibStream::Init(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 5: 0x1001bf43e v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(v8::internal::CallHandlerInfo) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 6: 0x1001beae2 v8::internal::MaybeHandle<v8::internal::Object> v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::HandleApiCallHelper<false>(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::HeapObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::HeapObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::FunctionTemplateInfo>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::BuiltinArguments) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 7: 0x1001be300 v8::internal::Builtin_Impl_HandleApiCall(v8::internal::BuiltinArguments, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
 8: 0x10072e799 Builtins_CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit [/usr/local/bin/node]```
jameswomack commented 4 years ago

I've published these and a couple other minor changes to NPM in v2.0.2