Using zuul-core 1.3.0 (via spring-cloud-starter-zuul 1.3.4.RELEASE) in my project and I noticed that every time an exception happens in a Zuul Filter I see a 401 status code. Is this intentional behavior?
I've tried to par the issue down to the following, if you drop the following Kotlin filter into a new project and CURL at the associated path you should see a 401.
package com.test.zuul.filter
class TestFilter : ZuulFilter() {
override fun run(): Any? {
throw RuntimeException("test")
override fun shouldFilter(): Boolean {
return true
override fun filterType(): String {
return "pre"
override fun filterOrder(): Int {
return 2
Using zuul-core 1.3.0 (via spring-cloud-starter-zuul 1.3.4.RELEASE) in my project and I noticed that every time an exception happens in a Zuul Filter I see a 401 status code. Is this intentional behavior?
I've tried to par the issue down to the following, if you drop the following Kotlin filter into a new project and CURL at the associated path you should see a 401.