Nethereum / Covid19-Immunity-Cert-Attestation

Covid19 Immunity Certification and attestation PoC
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Thought: Test centre can be vaccine centres? #11

Open juanfranblanco opened 4 years ago

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

@jaerith as we want vaccines to be distributed equally, could this not be used as well to find a vaccine centre? Obviously it could be a pop up, then pure guess on procedure after vaccination a test might be required for immunity and release the certificate?

jaerith commented 4 years ago

@juanfranblanco Yes, when vaccines do become available, they could be distributed via sample centres or test centres. Of course, in some cases, sample centres and test centres could be one and the same, but I imagine that those would be in the minority. However, at the point when the vaccine has not yet reached mass production, I could see the results from a testing centre determining the prioritization of who gets the vaccine first. So, if Bob and Alice get their results and it's determined that Bob has antibodies while Alice has none, Alice would receive the vaccine before Bob.