NetrunnerDB / netrunnerdb

A Deckbuilder for Android:Netrunner LCG
MIT License
145 stars 76 forks source link

This repository holds the source code of NetrunnerDB.

This is not where the cards data is

The data used by NetrunnerDB is at If you want to fix a mistake in some card data, or add the data of a new card, you can submit a PR there. Also, that's where the localized data is.

Installing a local copy of NetrunnerDB


How to install

How to add card images

How to update

When you update your repository (git pull), run the following commands:

Deck of the Week

To update the deck of the week on the front page:

where decklist_id is the numeric id of the deck you want to highlight.

Update log

If you want to show site updates on the home page, copy web/update_log.example.txt to web/update_log.txt and copy the format with your own data. The update log shows dates, each with a list of updates. The update log should be kept fairly concise, with only information that is relevant to users of the website, not developers.

Setup an admin account

Add or edit cards