Neurosurgery-Brain-Tumor-Center-DiazLab / CONICS

CONICS: COpy-Number analysis In single-Cell RNA-Sequencing
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Segmentation fault #43

Open archana433 opened 1 year ago

archana433 commented 1 year ago

Hi, While running the CONICS on my scRNAdata , I got this error. I also have allocated 128gb memory. Is this the memory issue or something else?

suva_expr = as.matrix(chosenCluster[["RNA"]]@counts) Warning message: In asMethod(object) : sparse->dense coercion: allocating vector of size 21.8 GiB cpm = scale(suva_expr, center=F, scale=colSums(suva_expr)/1e6) suva_expr = log2(cpm+1) suva_expr[which(]=0 regions=read.table("chromosome_arm_positions_grch38.txt",sep="\t",row.names = 1,header = T) genePos = read.csv("genePos.csv", sep = "\t", header = TRUE) suva_expr=filterMatrix(suva_expr, genePos[,"hgnc_symbol"], minCells=10) Segmentation fault

thank you