New-Project-Final-Final-WIP / HeadlessTweaks

A ResoniteModLoader mod for Resonite. Adds some nice to have features to headless clients
MIT License
14 stars 3 forks source link


A ResoniteModLoader mod for Resonite. Adds some nice to have features to headless clients


Adds various commands that you can send to the headless by messaging the headless account in Resonite

You can also view the list of commands here - Can be out of date

Commands are restricted via permission levels, The permission levels are:


You can set a user's permission level in the headless console using setUserPermission <user-id> <permission-level>

You can also assign permissions in game with the setPerm command /setPerm [user id] [level] With this command you can modify people's permissions to a level that is lower or equal to your own, Minimum permission level required to use this command is Moderator


In your rml_config directory there will be a HeadlessTweaks.json file with a variety of options. Some chat commands will write to this file so please ensure your HeadlessTweaks.json file is writable by the user running your headless server or the user running your containers if running through Docker or Pterodactyl.

Here are some explinations for the options available.

Discord Features

Discord.NET Dependency

Discord.NET libraries are a required dependency to use Discord features. Please install your Discord.NET DLLs in your rml_libs directory if UseDiscordWebhook is set to true.

You have the option to enable Discord integration for a Discord channel. A variety of events will get logged in Discord according to a webhook you specify. When configured, a variety of events will get logged to the channel such as session start/close, user joins/leaves, and world saves.

You can set UseDiscordWebhook to true in your config to enable these features. The options are as follows:

Auto Invitation Opt-Out

It's useful to auto-invite users when a headless spins up. However this can get kind of spammy. Users can opt-out of auto-invites with the /optOut chat command or by have their name manually entered in the AutoInviteOptOut list. The list simply takes user IDs. For example:

"AutoInviteOptOut": [

Permission Levels

User permission levels can be set on the console or with a chat command. However you can also set them in your config file. Whichever method you use, permissions will be written to PermissionLevels in your config file like so:

"PermissionLevels": {
    "U-badhaloninja": "Administrator",
    "U-Cyro": "Owner",
    "U-Gareth48": "Moderator"

Mapping Session IDs to Names

You can use the /setSessionName chat command to give sessions names. However you can also manually map session IDs to session names in your configuration file as demonstrated bellow:

"SessionIdToName": {
    "S-U-headless:headlessexamplesession1": "The First Example",
    "S-U-headless:headlessexamplesession2": "The Second Example"

Configuring Events

Events can be disabled using the configuration for DiscordWebhookEnabledEvents

"DiscordWebhookEnabledEvents": {
    "HeadlessStart": true,
    "WorldSaved": false,

Event colors can be changed under DiscordWebhookEventColors

"DiscordWebhookEventColors": {
    "WorldSaved": "[0;1;0;1]",
    "UserJoin": "[0;0;1;1; Linear]",

Here are the valid event names,

EngineStart / HeadlessStart
EngineStop / HeadlessStop




  1. Install ResoniteModLoader.
  2. Place HeadlessTweaks.dll into your rml_mods folder. This folder should be at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Resonite\rml_mods for a default install. You can create it if it's missing, or if you launch the game once with ResoniteModLoader installed it will create the folder for you.
  3. Start the game. If you want to verify that the mod is working you can check your Resonite logs.

Optionally Uses Discord.NET for Discord Integration