Closed Senjay-id closed 4 months ago
Very nice, thank you for your contribution.
If you're interested in improving your extension - you can download the melon x bepinex package automatically.
Below snippet is how we download SMAPI for Stardew Valley - should help you get the latest version of the required package for supermarket simulator
const modFiles = await api.ext.nexusGetModFiles(GAME_ID, SMAPI_MOD_ID);
const fileTime = (input: any) => Number.parseInt(input.uploaded_time, 10);
const file = modFiles
.filter(file => file.category_id === 1)
.sort((lhs, rhs) => fileTime(lhs) - fileTime(rhs))[0];
if (file === undefined) {
throw new util.ProcessCanceled('No SMAPI main file found');
const dlInfo = {
game: GAME_ID,
name: 'SMAPI',
const nxmUrl = `nxm://${GAME_ID}/mods/${SMAPI_MOD_ID}/files/${file.file_id}`;
const dlId = await util.toPromise<string>(cb =>'start-download', [nxmUrl], dlInfo, undefined, cb, undefined, { allowInstall: false }));
const modId = await util.toPromise<string>(cb =>'start-install-download', dlId, { allowAutoEnable: false }, cb));
const profileId = selectors.lastActiveProfileForGame(api.getState(), GAME_ID);
await actions.setModsEnabled(api, profileId, [modId], true, {
allowAutoDeploy: false,
installed: true,
@IDCs Ah this somehow slipped my radar, I'll push an update to make it automatically download it
Nexus Username
Extension URL
Game URL
Existing Extension URL
No response
New features
Manages BepInEx and Melonloader pattern, TextureRepalcer mods pattern, automatically notify missing modloaders to users