NicklasWallgren / instagram-api

Instagram Private API
MIT License
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Add and remove close friend. #49

Open hussainsheikh048 opened 3 years ago

hussainsheikh048 commented 3 years ago


Can we add/remove followers to close friends I've checked dilame repository supported.

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

What methods are you referring to? You're able to add and remove followers.

Have a look at

hussainsheikh048 commented 3 years ago

No, I'm not referring to add and remove followers, Instagram has a new feature to add a friend into a close friend list.

I've tried to add a function inside your library to see if it's working or not, but my bad it's not working...

public function setBestFriend(): FollowingResponse
    return PromiseUtils::wait($this->getClient()->setBestFriend());

 public function setBestFriend(): PromiseInterface
        return $this->authenticated(function (): PromiseInterface {
            $request = $this->buildRequest('friendships/set_besties', new FollowResponse())
                 ->addPayloadParam('user_id', '2108351612')
                 ->addPayloadParam('add', '2108351612')
//                ->addQueryParam('add', ['2108351612'])

            return $this->call($request);

I've found the API code from the NODE API.

async setBesties(input = {}) {
        const { body } = await this.client.request.send({
            url: `/api/v1/friendships/set_besties/`,
            method: 'POST',
            form: this.client.request.sign({
                _csrftoken: this.client.state.cookieCsrfToken,
                _uid: this.client.state.cookieUserId,
                device_id: this.client.state.deviceId,
                _uuid: this.client.state.uuid,
                module: 'favorites_home_list',
                source: 'audience_manager',
                add: input.add,
                remove: input.remove,
        return body.friendship_statuses;
NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

Alright, the following example seems to work. You are welcome to create a PR.

The response looks like this.



     * @param array $userIds
     * @return FollowingResponse
    public function addBestFriend(array $userIds): FollowResponse
        return PromiseUtils::wait($this->getClient()->addBestFriend($userIds));


     * @param array $userIds
     * @return PromiseInterface
    public function addBestFriend(array $userIds): PromiseInterface
        return $this->authenticated(function () use ($userIds): PromiseInterface {
            $request = $this->buildRequest('friendships/set_besties/', new FollowResponse())
                ->addPayloadParam('module', 'favorites_home_list')
                ->addPayloadParam('source', 'audience_manager')
                ->addPayloadParam('add', $userIds)
                ->addPayloadParam('remove', [])

            return $this->call($request);
     * @param array $userIds
     * @return PromiseInterface
    public function removeBestFriend(array $userIds): PromiseInterface
        return $this->authenticated(function () use ($userIds): PromiseInterface {
            $request = $this->buildRequest('friendships/set_besties/', new FollowResponse())
                ->addPayloadParam('module', 'favorites_home_list')
                ->addPayloadParam('source', 'audience_manager')
                ->addPayloadParam('block_on_empty_thread_creation', 'false')
                ->addPayloadParam('add', [])
                ->addPayloadParam('remove', $userIds)

            return $this->call($request);
hussainsheikh048 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nicklaws,

Thanks for your response.

I'm still getting errors.

Uncaught Instagram\SDK\Exceptions\ApiResponseException in E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer.php:137

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick,

Imran's here, with my another account.

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

@hussainsheikh048 Does the ApiResponseException contain any descriptive error message?

hussainsheikh048 commented 3 years ago
Fatal error:  Uncaught Instagram\SDK\Exceptions\ApiResponseException in E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer.php:137
Stack trace:
#0 E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer.php(59): Instagram\SDK\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer::toException(NULL, Object(Instagram\SDK\Response\Responses\Friendships\FollowResponse))
#1 E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Client\Client.php(174): Instagram\SDK\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer->decode(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response), Object(Instagram\SDK\Client\Client))
#2 E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Utils\PromiseUtils.php(34): Instagram\SDK\Client\Client->Instagram\SDK\Client\{closure}()
#3 E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\vendor\guzzlehttp\promises\src\TaskQueue.php(48): Instagram\SDK\Utils\PromiseUtils::Instagram\SDK\Utils\{closure}()
#4 E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\CurlMultiHandler.php(118): Gu in E:\xampp\htdocs\instagram-api-master\src\Response\Serializers\AbstractResponseSerializer.php on line 137

here is the full error, the message details are below. (I think the error is for the serializer, like we're passing an array to request something)

$responseInstance->getErrorType() is null;
$responseInstance->getMessage() is empty;
NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

Thanks. It's a bit strange, it works fine on my end, with the code posted above.


Could you dump the whole response body?

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago

What php version you’re using?

Sent from my iPhone

On 19-Jul-2021, at 12:01 AM, NicklasWallgren @.***> wrote:

 Thanks. It's a bit strange, it works fine on my end, with the code posted above.

$instagram->addBestFriend(['2108351612']); — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

What php version you’re using? Sent from my iPhone On 19-Jul-2021, at 12:01 AM, NicklasWallgren @.***> wrote:  Thanks. It's a bit strange, it works fine on my end, with the code posted above. $instagram->addBestFriend(['2108351612']); — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

Hey, I'm running 7.2, but I don't think it's related to the issue. You are retrieving an API error, and the answer probably lies in the API response.

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago

yea, it's working fine, i'll make PR soon. many thanks

hussainsheikh048 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick, You've any idea how to bypass two-factor authentication?

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

Hey, you won't be able to bypass 2fa, but it's fully possible to add 2fa support by implementing the accounts/two_factor_login/ api endpoint.

I don't have time to implement support for 2fa at the moment, so a PR is welcome.

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago

But it didn’t fill auto code

Sent from my iPhone

On 20-Jul-2021, at 8:11 PM, NicklasWallgren @.***> wrote:

 Hey, you won't be able to bypass 2fa, but it's fully possible to add 2fa support by implementing the accounts/two_factor_login/ api endpoint.

I don't have time to implement support for 2fa at the moment, so a PR is welcome.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick,

I was trying to make a request for 2fa, i figure it out we need to send identifier with the mobile code, but i can't see any identifier in the error response, i've attached the screenshot.


Here is instagram request where i dentifier the parameters.

Login request 404 response if 2fa enable: login-request-404-response-if-2fa-enable

After given 2fa code request: given-2fa-code-request

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago


You can get hold of the 2fa identifier from the response of the accounts/login/ api endpoint.

The response includes two_factor_required as well as two_factor_info which contains the two_factor_identifier

imran-saleem834 commented 3 years ago


I want to hold 2fa identifier but i can't see identifier in the error response. here is response.


here is code for print the response:

try {
} catch (\Instagram\SDK\Exceptions\ApiResponseException $e) {
    echo "ApiResponseException";
NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago


The identifier is present in the raw json response, but is not specified in the SessionResponse class. You'll need to extend the class with new fields.

You can get hold of the raw response body at

NicklasWallgren commented 2 years ago

Have you managed to get it working?

imran-saleem834 commented 2 years ago

I've not worked yet, but hopefully work tomorrow and make it work.

xsinisa commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that @NicklasWallgren addition above is working...implemented and tested.

hussainsheikh048 commented 2 years ago

Hi Nick,

Still have an issue with the 2fa login,

public function twoFactorLogin(string $username, string $identifier, string $verificationCode): AuthenticatedUserResponse
      return PromiseUtils::wait($this->twoFactorLoginPromise($username, $identifier, $verificationCode));
public function twoFactorLoginPromise(string $username, string $identifier, string $verificationCode): PromiseInterface
      return $this->getClient()->twoFactorLogin($username, $identifier, $verificationCode);

Here is the actual function

public function twoFactorLogin(string $username, string $identifier, string $verificationCode): PromiseInterface
        return $this->headers()->then(function () use ($username, $identifier, $verificationCode): PromiseInterface {
            $request = $this->buildRequest('accounts/two_factor_login/', new SessionResponse());

            $payload = [
                'identifier'          => $identifier,
                'trust_signal'        => false,
                'username'            => $username,
                'verificationCode'    => $verificationCode,
                'verification_method' => 1,
                'queryParams'         => json_encode(['next' => '/']),


            $request->setPayload($payload, PayloadSerializerFactory::TYPE_SIGNED)
                    ->setResponseSerializer(new LoginResponseSerializer($this->device, $this->client));

            return $this->call($request);

That's still saying invalid parameter, is there something wrong?
    [identifier] => 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
    [trust_signal] => 
    [username] => hussainsheikh4161
    [verificationCode] => 848241
    [verification_method] => 1
    [queryParams] => {"next":"\/"}
0144Invalid ParametersInstagram\SDK\Response\Responses\User\SessionResponse Object
    [loggedInUser:Instagram\SDK\Response\Responses\User\SessionResponse:private] => 
    [session:Instagram\SDK\Response\Responses\User\SessionResponse:private] => 
    [status:protected] => fail
    [errorType:protected] => invalid_parameters
    [message:protected] => Invalid Parameters
    [invalidCredentials:protected] => 
NicklasWallgren commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'll look into adding support for 2fa tomorrow.

xsinisa commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that @NicklasWallgren addition above is working...implemented and tested.

@NicklasWallgren I can create PR, please give me permissions

NicklasWallgren commented 2 years ago

@xsinisa Thanks, feel free to open a PR.

imran-saleem834 commented 2 years ago

@xsinisa is it 2fa working for you?