Some mechanics are not loaded on game start and throw arcane NullPointerExceptions. It only happens under these circumstances:
The component is first time use, meaning its the first time its been attached or its been newly reset, or all mechanics have been left blank
One or both of the editor foldouts for "flight mode" and "ground mode" are left "closed" before game start
Once foldouts have been opened and closed at least once, the bug goes away. This most likely means the bug is in the editor, and config code that should run fails to do so if the foldouts are left closed.
Some mechanics are not loaded on game start and throw arcane NullPointerExceptions. It only happens under these circumstances:
Once foldouts have been opened and closed at least once, the bug goes away. This most likely means the bug is in the editor, and config code that should run fails to do so if the foldouts are left closed.