NiklasEi / bevy_asset_loader

Bevy plugin helping with asset loading and organization
Apache License 2.0
449 stars 53 forks source link

Already removed assets in code keeps trying to load it #220

Closed Sirmadeira closed 6 days ago

Sirmadeira commented 6 days ago

First of all lovely crate thank you for your work. Now to the issue.

So my app workflow goes as follows.

Load assets -> Go to main menu

The weird thing is . It is trying to load assets that I clearly expressed to remove. That is the only asset collection I have yet it gives me this error

2024-06-29T17:24:32.979050Z ERROR bevy_asset::server: Path not found: /home/mori/Projects/psycho_project/assets/fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf

An asset that i told to remove any ideas on what might be the issue here?

#[derive(AssetCollection, Resource)]
pub struct MyAssets {
    // Insert in this path which asset you want to load
    // He will be loaded with multiple handles and a usefull hashmap to identify it in our code
        paths("skeleton.glb", "rigge_female.glb", "katana.glb"),
        collection(typed, mapped)
    pub gltf_files: HashMap<String, Handle<Gltf>>,
NiklasEi commented 5 days ago

You seem to have found a solution. Anything related to the plugin or something that could be improved?