Nivekk / KOS

Fully programmable autopilot mod for KSP.
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if vessel crashes and detroys SCS part, throttle remains locked and you can't pick "space center" form menu #174

Open Dunbaratu opened 10 years ago

Dunbaratu commented 10 years ago

If a vessel crashes such that the command core does not get destroyed (So that KSP will still focus the camera on it and still call the flight "active") but the SCS modules does get destroyed, then the throttle lock that was in the SCS porgram stays locked and is now stuck on forever as there is no SCS module to type the unlock command into.

Since the menu to go back to the space center won't let you leave the flight if the throttle is on, this makes it impossible to retain your state and "keep" the crash in your persistence file. The only way to get unstuck is to revert flight. .

Dunbaratu commented 10 years ago

They are both the same problem and don't affect the bug I'm reporting. The fact that the only way to get unstuck is to go back to a previous save is still the same problem regardless of whether that previous save is the save that was made with quicksave or the one that was made when the vessel was launched (revert flight). They're both doing the same thing - resorting to rolling back to a previous save is the only way the menu will let you leave the flight.

Dunbaratu commented 10 years ago

If you consider it a cheat to undo a failure, then it's exactly the same either way that you have to undo your error to get the menu unstuck.

palaslet commented 10 years ago

This might be a good line of code to put somewhere: part.OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed = new Callback(() => { if (cpu != null) cpu.SendMessage(SystemMessage.SHUTDOWN); });