Using NixOps 1.7 from the Nixos 21.11 channel, I get the following error when I try to create a DigitalOcean droplet:
digitalocean.DataReadError: You specified an invalid image for Droplet creation.
My best guess is that the image we use as a precursor to nixos-infect is out of date.
Things I've tried so far with no effect:
Test against latest nixpkgs.
Test against 19.09 (I created a droplet using the same similar configuration a few years ago, but presumably DigitalOcean have changed something since).
Changed region to nyc1.
Things I plan to try next:
Try to understand how plugins fit in. Last time I used NixOps they didn't exist yet.
See if I can update the initial VM image.
Maybe NixOps 2 to see if that works? Not clear if this actually exists yet or how I would use it?
export NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT="glenn-server"
export NIXOPS_STATE="state.nixops"
export DIGITAL_OCEAN_AUTH_TOKEN=$(cat /home/glenn/.ssh/digital-ocean-nixops)
nixops create machine.nix deployment.nix -d glenn-server
# This last line will cause the error
nixops deploy
Using NixOps 1.7 from the Nixos 21.11 channel, I get the following error when I try to create a DigitalOcean droplet:
My best guess is that the image we use as a precursor to nixos-infect is out of date.
Things I've tried so far with no effect:
Things I plan to try next:
Instructions to reproduce.
Then run