Manjaro has a GUI application that enables easily switching among desktop layouts in Gnome. Called "Gnome Layout Switcher", it enables switching between the Manjaro layout, Gnome layout, Ubuntu Unity layout, Windows layout, Mac OS layout, and the PoP! Shell Tiling Window Manager layout. Here's a recent video demo of the layout switcher app.
Would be nice to have this in the NixOS Gnome spin too.
According to this comment by the Manjaro gnome-layout-switcher developer/maintainer, all the required packages are available across distro's, nothing Manjaro-specific except the Manjaro branding/theming.
Project description
Manjaro has a GUI application that enables easily switching among desktop layouts in Gnome. Called "Gnome Layout Switcher", it enables switching between the Manjaro layout, Gnome layout, Ubuntu Unity layout, Windows layout, Mac OS layout, and the PoP! Shell Tiling Window Manager layout. Here's a recent video demo of the layout switcher app.
Would be nice to have this in the NixOS Gnome spin too.
According to this comment by the Manjaro gnome-layout-switcher developer/maintainer, all the required packages are available across distro's, nothing Manjaro-specific except the Manjaro branding/theming.