Open Findus23 opened 5 years ago
Did build the container yourself?
No, I pulled it from the repository.
Well, that worked for me. But when building it on my own I had the same error and I could fix it by modifying the Dockerfile:
RUN echo 'y' | tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=/opt/android-sdk-linux --verbose "platforms;android-26" "build-tools;26.0.1" "platform-tools" \
You can also check the existance of the platform-tools directory in /opt/android-sdk-linux in the container by running
docker exec -i CONTAINER bash
I found the "solution" (not really what I wished for):
The user inside of docker has the id 999, so I had to chown -R 999:999 the /srv/fdroid directory outside of docker so that it can read it.
I run my container with UID=99 and GID=100 Is there no way to enable that again, was working well before, what changed?
While this is a workaround the host OS will have trouble accessing those files.
@Exist2Resist currently, to change that you can edit the Dockerfile and rebuild the image.
@Findus23 there are some docker images that do this automatically by using a shellscript as the entrypoint (e.g. postgres and fireflyIII). In my RPi I created a shellscript to do the pre-checks (path exists and is owned by 999:999) and start the container.
see also
Since the container doesn't start anymore.
After deleting the container and
on every start I only get the following error:I think this has something to do that
(outside of the container) is only readable by root, and I think this line only runs on container creation and not when starting the container. I know too little about how docker works correctly to suggest a solution.